Source code for rubato.utils.rendering.surface

"""An abstraction for a grid of pixels that can be drawn onto."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional
import sdl2, sdl2.ext, sdl2.sdlimage, ctypes
import os

from ...c_src import c_draw
from .. import Vector, Color, Display, get_path

[docs]class Surface: """ A grid of pixels that can be modified without being attached to a game object. Args: width: The width of the surface in pixels. Once set this cannot be changed. Defaults to 32. height: The height of the surface in pixels. Once set this cannot be changed. Defaults to 32. scale: The scale of the surface. Defaults to (1, 1). rotation: The clockwise rotation of the sprite. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, width: int = 32, height: int = 32, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), rotation: float = 0, af: bool = False, ): if width <= 0 or height <= 0: raise ValueError("Width and height must be greater than 0") self.rotation: float = rotation """The clockwise rotation of the sprite.""" self.scale: Vector = Vector.create(scale) """The scale of the sprite.""" self._af: bool = af self._width: int = width self._height: int = height self._color_key: Optional[int] = None sdl2.SDL_SetHint(b"SDL_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY", b"linear" if self._af else b"nearest") self._tx: sdl2.SDL_Texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTexture( Display.renderer.sdlrenderer, Display.pixel_format, sdl2.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height ).contents sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(self._tx, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) self._pixels: int = c_draw.create_pixel_buffer(width, height) self._pixels_colorkey: int = 0 self.uptodate: bool = False """ Whether the texture is up to date with the surface. Can be set to False to trigger a texture regeneration at the next draw cycle. """ @property def width(self) -> int: """The width of the surface in pixels (read-only).""" return self._width @property def height(self) -> int: """The height of the surface in pixels (read-only).""" return self._height @property def af(self): """Whether to use anisotropic filtering.""" return self._af @af.setter def af(self, new: bool): self._af = new sdl2.SDL_SetHint(b"SDL_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY", b"linear" if self._af else b"nearest") self._tx: sdl2.SDL_Texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTexture( Display.renderer.sdlrenderer, Display.pixel_format, sdl2.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, self.width, self.height ).contents sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(self._tx, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def size_scaled(self) -> Vector: """ Gets the current size of the Surface. (Scaled) Returns: The size of the Surface """ return Vector(self._width * self.scale.x, self._height * self.scale.y)
[docs] def size(self) -> Vector: """ Gets the current size of the Surface. (Unscaled) Returns: The size of the Surface """ return Vector(self._width, self._height)
def _blit( self, other: Surface, src_rect: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, dst_rect: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, ): """ This function uses the SDL coordinate system and should only be used internally. This is mainly kept for Spritesheet. Blits (merges / copies) another Surface onto this one. Args: other: The Surface to blit onto this one. src_rect: The area (x, y, width, height) to blit from in the source surface (other). Defaults to the whole surface. dst_rect: The area (x, y, width, height) to blit to in the destination surface (self). Defaults to the whole surface. Note: Will not stretch the other surface to fit the destination rectangle. """ c_draw.blit( other._pixels, self._pixels, other.width, other.height, self.width, self.height, *(src_rect or (0, 0, other.width, other.height)), *(dst_rect or (0, 0, self.width, self.height)), ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def blit( self, other: Surface, src_rect: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, dst: Vector | tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), ): """ Blits (merges / copies) another Surface onto this one. Args: other: The Surface to blit onto this one. src_rect: The area (center_x, center_y, width, height) to crop from the source surface (other). Defaults to the whole surface. dst: The position to place the other surface. Defaults to (0, 0). Note: Will not stretch the other surface to fit the destination rectangle. """ src_rect = src_rect or (0, 0, int(other.width), int(other.height)) src_top_left = Display._center_to_top_left(other._convert_to_surface_space((0, 0)), src_rect[2:4]) dst_final = Display._center_to_top_left(self._convert_to_surface_space((*dst,)), src_rect[2:4]) c_draw.blit( other._pixels, self._pixels, other.width, other.height, self.width, self.height, int(src_top_left[0]), int(src_top_left[1]), *src_rect[2:4], int(dst_final[0]), int(dst_final[1]), *src_rect[2:4], ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def flip_x(self): """Flips the surface horizontally.""" c_draw.flip_x(self._pixels, self.width, self.height) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def flip_y(self): """Flips the surface vertically.""" c_draw.flip_y(self._pixels, self.width, self.height) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def flip_anti_diagonal(self): """Flips the surface along the anti diagonal.""" c_draw.flip_anti_diagonal(self._pixels, self.width, self.height) self.uptodate = False
def _regen(self): """Updates the texture.""" if self._color_key is not None: c_draw.colorkey_copy(self._pixels, self._pixels_colorkey, self._width, self._height, self._color_key) sdl2.SDL_UpdateTexture( self._tx, None, self._pixels if self._color_key is None else self._pixels_colorkey, self.width * 4 ) self.uptodate = True
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the surface. """ c_draw.clear_pixels(self._pixels, self._width, self._height) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def fill(self, color: Color): """ Fill the surface with a color. Args: color: The color to fill with. """ self.draw_rect((0, 0), (self._width, self._height), fill=color)
def _convert_to_surface_space(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[float, float]: """Simple function that converts cartesian coordinates to surface space.""" return (pos[0] + self._width / 2, -pos[1] + self._height / 2) def _convert_to_cartesian_space(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[float, float]: """Simple function that converts surface space to cartesian coordinates.""" return (pos[0] - self._width / 2, -pos[1] + self._height / 2)
[docs] def get_pixel(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> Color: """ Gets the color of a pixel on the surface. Args: pos: The position of the pixel. Returns: The color of the pixel. """ cart_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(pos) x, y = round(cart_pos[0]), round(cart_pos[1]) if 0 <= x < self._width and 0 <= y < self._height: return Color.from_argb32(c_draw.get_pixel(self._pixels, self._width, self._height, x, y)) else: raise ValueError(f"Position is outside of the ${self.__class__.__name__}.")
[docs] def set_pixel(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], color: Color =, blending: bool = True): """ Draws a point on the surface. Args: pos: The position to draw the point. color: The color of the point. Defaults to black. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """ cart_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(pos) x, y = round(cart_pos[0]), round(cart_pos[1]) c_draw.set_pixel(self._pixels, self._width, self._height, x, y, color.argb32(), blending) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def draw_line( self, start: Vector | tuple[float, float], end: Vector | tuple[float, float], color: Color =, aa: bool = False, thickness: int = 1, blending: bool = True ): """ Draws a line on the surface. Args: start: The start of the line. end: The end of the line. color: The color of the line. Defaults to black. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. thickness: The thickness of the line. Defaults to 1. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """ start_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(start) end_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(end) sx, sy = round(start_pos[0]), round(start_pos[1]) ex, ey = round(end_pos[0]), round(end_pos[1]) c_draw.draw_line( self._pixels, self._width, self._height, sx, sy, ex, ey, color.argb32(), aa, blending, thickness ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def draw_rect( self, center: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], border: Color | None = None, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, blending: bool = True ): """ Draws a rectangle on the surface. Args: center: The top left corner of the rectangle. dims: The dimensions of the rectangle. border: The border color of the rectangle. Defaults to None. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the rectangle. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """ top_left = Display._center_to_top_left(self._convert_to_surface_space(center), dims) x, y = round(top_left[0]), round(top_left[1]) w, h = round(dims[0]), round(dims[1]) c_draw.draw_rect( self._pixels, self._width, self._height, x, y, w, h, border.argb32() if border else 0, fill.argb32() if fill else 0, blending, border_thickness, ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def draw_circle( self, center: Vector | tuple[float, float], radius: int, border: Color | None = None, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, aa: bool = False, blending: bool = True, ): """ Draws a circle on the surface. Args: center: The center of the circle. radius: The radius of the circle. border: The border color of the circle. Defaults to None. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the circle. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """ center_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(center) x, y = round(center_pos[0]), round(center_pos[1]) c_draw.draw_circle( self._pixels, self._width, self._height, x, y, radius, border.argb32() if border else 0, fill.argb32() if fill else 0, aa, blending, border_thickness, ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def draw_poly( self, points: list[Vector] | list[tuple[float, float]], center: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), border: Color | None = None, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, aa: bool = False, blending: bool = True, ): """ Draws a polygon on the surface. Args: points: The points of the polygon. center: The center of the polygon. border: The border color of the polygon. Defaults to None. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the polygon. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """ center_pos = self._convert_to_surface_space(center) c_draw.draw_poly( self._pixels, center_pos, self._width, self._height, points, border.argb32() if border else 0, fill.argb32() if fill else 0, aa, blending, border_thickness, ) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def switch_color(self, color: Color, new_color: Color): """ Switches a color in the surface. Args: color: The color to switch. new_color: The new color to switch to. """ c_draw.switch_colors(self._pixels, self._width, self._height, color.argb32(), new_color.argb32()) self.uptodate = False
[docs] def set_colorkey(self, color: Color): """ Sets the colorkey of the surface. Args: color: Color to set as the colorkey. """ if self._pixels_colorkey == 0: self._pixels_colorkey = c_draw.create_pixel_buffer(self.width, self.height) self._color_key = color.argb32() self.uptodate = False
[docs] def remove_colorkey(self): """ Remove the colorkey of the surface. """ if self._pixels_colorkey != 0: c_draw.free_pixel_buffer(self._pixels_colorkey) self._pixels_colorkey = 0 self._color_key = None self.uptodate = False
[docs] def clone(self) -> Surface: """ Clones the current surface. Returns: The cloned surface. """ new = Surface( self.width, self.height, scale=self.scale.clone(), rotation=self.rotation,, ) new.blit(self) new._pixels_colorkey = self._pixels_colorkey new._color_key = self._color_key new.set_alpha(self.get_alpha()) return new
[docs] def set_alpha(self, new: int): """ Sets surface wide alpha. Args: new: The new alpha. (value between 0-255) """ new = max(min(new, 255), 0) sdl2.SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(self._tx, new)
[docs] def get_alpha(self) -> int: """ Gets the surface wide alpha. """ y = ctypes.c_uint8() sdl2.SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod(self._tx, ctypes.byref(y)) return y.value
[docs] def save_as( self, filename: str, path: str = "./", extension: str = "png", save_to_temp_path: bool = False, quality: int = 100, ) -> bool: """ Save the surface to a file. Args: filename: The name of the file to save to. path: Path to output folder. extension: The extension to save the file as. (png, jpg, bmp supported) save_to_temp_path: Whether to save the file to a temporary path (i.e. MEIPASS used in exe). quality: The quality of the jpg 0-100 (only used for jpgs). Returns: If save was successful. """ if extension not in ["png", "jpg", "bmp"]: raise ValueError("Invalid extension. Only png, jpg, bmp are supported.") render_surface = self._as_surf() path_bytes: bytes = path.encode("utf-8") if save_to_temp_path: path_bytes = bytes(get_path(os.path.join(path, filename, filename + "." + extension)), "utf-8") else: path_bytes = bytes(os.path.join(path, filename + "." + extension), "utf-8") succeeded = False if extension == "png": succeeded = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_SavePNG(render_surface, path_bytes) == 0 elif extension == "jpg": succeeded = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_SaveJPG(render_surface, path_bytes, quality) == 0 else: succeeded = sdl2.SDL_SaveBMP(render_surface, path_bytes) == 0 sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(render_surface) return succeeded
def _as_surf(self) -> sdl2.SDL_Surface: """ Converts the underlying texture to a SDL_Surface. Returns: The SDL_Surface. """ if not self.uptodate: self._regen() surf = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom( self._pixels if self._pixels_colorkey == 0 else self._pixels_colorkey, self._width, self._height, 32, self._width * 4, Display.pixel_format, ) sdl2.SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(surf, self.get_alpha()) return surf
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, path: str, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), rotation: float = 0, af: bool = False, ) -> Surface: """ Loads a surface from an image file. Args: path: The path to the file. scale: The scale of the surface. Defaults to (1, 1). rotation: The clockwise rotation of the sprite. Defaults to 0. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to False. Returns: The resultant surface. """ try: surf_bad = sdl2.ext.load_img(path, False) except OSError: surf_bad = sdl2.ext.load_img(get_path(path), False) except sdl2.ext.SDLError as e: fname = path.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1] raise TypeError(f"{fname} is not a valid image file") from e surf = sdl2.SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surf_bad, Display.pixel_format, 0).contents s = cls(surf.w, surf.h, scale=scale, rotation=rotation, af=af) c_draw.free_pixel_buffer(s._pixels) s._pixels = c_draw.clone_pixel_buffer(surf.pixels, surf.w, surf.h) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf_bad) return s
@classmethod def _from_surf( cls, surf: sdl2.SDL_Surface, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), rotation: float = 0, af: bool = False ) -> Surface: """ Creates a Surface from an SDL_Surface. Note that this does not free the original SDL_Surface. Args: surf: The SDL_Surface to create the surface from. scale: The scale of the surface. Defaults to (1, 1). rotation: The clockwise rotation of the sprite. Defaults to 0. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to False. Returns: The resultant surface. """ new_surf = sdl2.SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surf, Display.pixel_format, 0).contents s = cls(surf.w, surf.h, scale=scale, rotation=rotation, af=af) c_draw.free_pixel_buffer(s._pixels) s._pixels = c_draw.clone_pixel_buffer(new_surf.pixels, surf.w, surf.h) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(new_surf) return s def __del__(self): sdl2.SDL_DestroyTexture(self._tx) c_draw.free_pixel_buffer(self._pixels)