Source code for rubato.utils.hardware.display

Static class that allows for intuitive window management.
from __future__ import annotations

import ctypes

import sdl2, sdl2.ext, sdl2.sdlimage
import os

from .. import Vector, get_path, InitError, Math

class _DisplayProperties(type):  # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
    # pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false

    def window_size(cls) -> Vector:
        return Vector(*cls.window.size)

    def window_size(cls, new: Vector | tuple[float, float]):
        cls.window.size = (int(new[0]), int(new[1]))

    def res(cls) -> Vector:
        return Vector(*cls.renderer.logical_size)

    def res(cls, new: Vector | tuple[float, float]):
        cls.renderer.logical_size = (int(new[0]), int(new[1]))
        cls._half_res = (new[0] / 2, new[1] / 2)

    def window_pos(cls) -> Vector:
        return Vector(*cls.window.position)

    def window_pos(cls, new: Vector | tuple[float, float]):
        cls.window.position = (int(new[0]), int(new[1]))

    def window_name(cls):
        return cls.window.title

    def window_name(cls, new: str):
        cls.window.title = new

[docs]class Display(metaclass=_DisplayProperties): """ A static class that houses all of the display information Attributes: window (sdl2.Window): The pysdl2 window element. renderer (sdl2.Renderer): The pysdl2 renderer element. format (sdl2.PixelFormat): The pysdl2 pixel format element. window_size (Vector): The pixel size of the physical window. Warning: Using this value to determine the placement of your game objects may lead to unexpected results. You should instead use :func:`Display.res <rubato.utils.display.Display.res>` res (Vector): The pixel resolution of the game. This is the number of virtual pixels on the window. Example: The window (:func:`Display.window_size <rubato.utils.display.DisplayProperties.window_size>`) could be rendered at 500x500 while the resolution is at 1000x1000. This would mean that you can place game objects at 900, 900 and still see them despite the window not being 900 pixels tall. Warning: While this value can be changed, it is recommended that you do not alter it after initialization as it will scale your entire project in unexpected ways. If you wish to achieve scaling across an entire scene, simply utilize the :func:`camera zoom <>` property in your scene's camera. window_pos (Vector): The current position of the window in terms of screen pixels. window_name (str): The name of the window. hidden (bool): Whether the window is currently hidden. """ window: sdl2.ext.Window renderer: sdl2.ext.Renderer pixel_format = sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 argb_format = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, 1, 1, 32, pixel_format).contents.format.contents rgba_format = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat( 0, 1, 1, 32, sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888 ).contents.format.contents hidden: bool = True _saved_window_size: Vector | None = None _saved_window_pos: Vector | None = None _half_res: tuple[float, float] def __init__(self) -> None: raise InitError(self) @classmethod def _update( cls, tx: sdl2.SDL_Texture, width: int, height: int, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), angle: float = 0, flipx: bool = False, flipy: bool = False, ): """ Note: pos is the center of the texture in cartesian coordinates. """ flipx |= Math.sign(scale[0]) == -1 flipy |= Math.sign(scale[1]) == -1 flip = sdl2.SDL_FLIP_NONE if flipx: flip |= sdl2.SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL if flipy: flip |= sdl2.SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL x_dim = round(width * abs(scale[0])) y_dim = round(height * abs(scale[1])) final_pos = cls._center_cart_to_tl_sdl(pos, (x_dim, y_dim)) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopyEx( cls.renderer.sdlrenderer, tx, None, sdl2.SDL_Rect( round(final_pos[0]), round(final_pos[1]), x_dim, y_dim, ), round(angle), None, flip, ) @classmethod def _tl_sdl_to_center_cart( cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float]: return cls._top_left_to_center(cls._sdl_to_cartesian(pos), dims) @classmethod def _center_cart_to_tl_sdl( cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float]: return cls._center_to_top_left(cls._cartesian_to_sdl(pos), dims) @classmethod def _cartesian_to_sdl(cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[float, float]: return pos[0] + cls._half_res[0], cls._half_res[1] - pos[1] @classmethod def _sdl_to_cartesian(cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[float, float]: return pos[0] - cls._half_res[0], cls._half_res[1] - pos[1] @classmethod def _center_to_top_left( cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Note: Assumes sdl coordinates. """ return (pos[0] - (dims[0] / 2), pos[1] - (dims[1] / 2)) @classmethod def _top_left_to_center( cls, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Note: Assumes sdl coordinates. """ return (pos[0] + (dims[0] / 2), pos[1] + (dims[1] / 2)) @classmethod @property def display_ratio(cls) -> Vector: """ The ratio of the renderer resolution to the window size. This is a read-only property. Returns: Vector: The ratio of the renderer resolution to the window size seperated by x and y. """ return cls.res / cls.window_size @classmethod @property def border_size(cls) -> int: """The size of the black border on either side of the drawing area when the aspect ratios don't match.""" # if a smart programmer can actually understand this, please check that its working correctly. # Thank you. render_rat = cls.res.y / cls.res.x window_rat = cls.window_size.y / cls.window_size.x if render_rat > window_rat: # side burns rat = render_rat / window_rat # how much fatter the window is than the render return round((cls.window_size.x - cls.window_size.x / rat) / 2) elif render_rat < window_rat: # top burns rat = window_rat / render_rat # how thinner the window is than the render return round((cls.window_size.y - cls.window_size.y / rat) / 2) return 0
[docs] @classmethod def has_x_border(cls) -> bool: """Whether the window has a black border on the left or right side.""" render_rat = cls.res.y / cls.res.x window_rat = cls.window_size.y / cls.window_size.x return render_rat > window_rat
[docs] @classmethod def has_y_border(cls) -> bool: """Whether the window has a black border on the top or bottom.""" render_rat = cls.res.y / cls.res.x window_rat = cls.window_size.y / cls.window_size.x return render_rat < window_rat
[docs] @classmethod def set_window_icon(cls, path: str): """ Set the icon of the window. Args: path: The path to the icon. """ image = sdl2.ext.image.load_img(get_path(path)) sdl2.SDL_SetWindowIcon( cls.window.window, image, )
[docs] @classmethod def set_fullscreen(cls, on: bool = True): """ Set the window to fullscreen. Args: on: Whether to set the window to fullscreen. """ if on: if cls._saved_window_pos is None and cls._saved_window_size is None: cls._saved_window_size = cls.window_size.clone() cls._saved_window_pos = cls.window_pos.clone() sdl2.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(cls.window.window, sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) else: if cls._saved_window_size is not None and cls._saved_window_pos is not None: cls.window_size = cls._saved_window_size cls.window_pos = cls._saved_window_pos cls._saved_window_size = None cls._saved_window_pos = None sdl2.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(cls.window.window, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_window_border_size(cls): """ Get the size of the window border. pixels on the top sides and bottom of the window. Returns: The size of the window border. """ top, left, bottom, right = ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int() sdl2.SDL_GetWindowBordersSize( cls.window.window, ctypes.byref(top), ctypes.byref(left), ctypes.byref(bottom), ctypes.byref(right) ) return top.value, left.value, bottom.value, right.value
[docs] @classmethod def save_screenshot( cls, filename: str, path: str = "./", extension: str = "png", save_to_temp_path: bool = False, quality: int = 100 ) -> bool: """ Save the current screen to a file. Args: filename: The name of the file to save to. path: Path to output folder. extension: The extension to save the file as. (png, jpg, bmp supported) save_to_temp_path: Whether to save the file to a temporary path (i.e. MEIPASS used in exe). quality: The quality of the jpg 0-100 (only used for jpgs). Returns: If save was successful. """ if extension not in ["png", "jpg", "bmp"]: raise ValueError("Invalid extension. Only png, jpg, bmp are supported.") w, h = ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0) sdl2.SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(cls.renderer.sdlrenderer, ctypes.byref(w), ctypes.byref(h)) render_surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, w.value, h.value, 32, sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888) if not render_surface: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not create surface: {sdl2.SDL_GetError()}") try: if sdl2.SDL_RenderReadPixels( cls.renderer.sdlrenderer, sdl2.SDL_Rect(0, 0, w.value, h.value), sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, render_surface.contents.pixels, render_surface.contents.pitch ) != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not read screenshot: {sdl2.SDL_GetError()}") path_bytes: bytes = path.encode("utf-8") if save_to_temp_path: path_bytes = bytes(get_path(os.path.join(path, filename, filename + "." + extension)), "utf-8") else: path_bytes = bytes(os.path.join(path, filename + "." + extension), "utf-8") if extension == "png": return sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_SavePNG(render_surface, path_bytes) == 0 elif extension == "jpg": return sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_SaveJPG(render_surface, path_bytes, quality) == 0 elif extension == "bmp": return sdl2.SDL_SaveBMP(render_surface, path_bytes) == 0 return False finally: sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(render_surface)
[docs] @classmethod def show_window(cls): """ Show the window. """ Display.hidden = False
[docs] @classmethod def hide_window(cls): """ Hide the window. """ Display.hidden = True cls.window.hide()
[docs] @classmethod def maximize_window(cls): """ Maximize the window. """ sdl2.SDL_MaximizeWindow(cls.window.window)
[docs] @classmethod def minmize_window(cls): """ Minimize the window. """ sdl2.SDL_MinimizeWindow(cls.window.window)
[docs] @classmethod def restore_window(cls): """ Restore the window. """ sdl2.SDL_RestoreWindow(cls.window.window)
@classmethod @property def center(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the center of the window.""" return Vector(0, 0) @classmethod @property def top(cls) -> float: """The position of the top of the window.""" return cls._half_res[1] @classmethod @property def right(cls) -> float: """The position of the right of the window.""" return cls._half_res[0] @classmethod @property def left(cls) -> float: """The position of the left of the window.""" return -cls._half_res[0] @classmethod @property def bottom(cls) -> float: """The position of the bottom of the window.""" return -cls._half_res[1] @classmethod @property def top_left(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the top left of the window.""" return Vector(cls.left, @classmethod @property def top_right(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the top right of the window.""" return Vector(cls.right, @classmethod @property def bottom_left(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the bottom left of the window.""" return Vector(cls.left, cls.bottom) @classmethod @property def bottom_right(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the bottom right of the window.""" return Vector(cls.right, cls.bottom) @classmethod @property def top_center(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the top center of the window.""" return Vector(0, @classmethod @property def bottom_center(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the bottom center of the window.""" return Vector(0, cls.bottom) @classmethod @property def center_left(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the center left of the window.""" return Vector(cls.left, 0) @classmethod @property def center_right(cls) -> Vector: """The position of the center right of the window.""" return Vector(cls.right, 0)