Source code for rubato.utils.computation.vector

An abstraction for a container of x and y values.
from __future__ import annotations
import cython
from typing import Any, Iterator
import math, random

from . import Math
from .. import SideError

[docs]@cython.cclass class Vector: """ A Vector object that defines a 2D point in space Args: x: The x coordinate. Defaults to 0. y: The y coordinate. Defaults to 0. """ x: float = cython.declare(cython.float, visibility="public") # type: ignore """The x coordinate.""" y: float = cython.declare(cython.float, visibility="public") # type: ignore """The y coordinate.""" def __init__(self, x: float | int = 0, y: float | int = 0): self.x = x self.y = y @property def magnitude(self) -> float: """The magnitude of the vector. You can set to this value.""" return math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y) @magnitude.setter def magnitude(self, value: float | int): if self.x == self.y == 0: return ratio = value / math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y) self.x *= ratio self.y *= ratio @property def mag_sq(self) -> float: """The squared magnitude of the vector (readonly).""" return self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y @property def angle(self) -> float: """The angle of the vector in north-degrees (readonly).""" return -math.degrees(math.atan2(self.y, self.x) - Math.PI_HALF) @property def rationalized_mag(self) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of a rationalized vector magnitude as you would use in math class. Example: >>> Vector(8, 8).rationalized_mag 4√8 Warnings: Should only be used on vectors with integer components. """ divisible_by = Math.simplify_sqrt(round(self.mag_sq)) return f"{divisible_by[0] if divisible_by[0] != 1 else ''}{divisible_by[1]}" @property def rationalized_mag_vector(self) -> Vector: """ Returns a vector with the rationalized magnitude. Example: >>> Vector(8, 8).rationalized_mag rubato.Vector(4, 8) Warnings: Should only be used on vectors with integer components. """ return Vector(*Math.simplify_sqrt(round(self.mag_sq))) @property def rationalized_unit(self) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of a rationalized unit vector as you would use in math class. Warnings: Should only be used on vectors with integer components. """ mag: tuple[int, int] = self.rationalized_mag_vector.tuple_int() no_root = mag[1] == 1 # No square root in the answer. num_dem1: tuple[int, int] = Math.simplify(round(self.x), mag[0]) num_dem2: tuple[int, int] = Math.simplify(round(self.y), mag[0]) if no_root: return f"<{num_dem1[0]}/{num_dem1[1]}, {num_dem2[0]}/{num_dem2[1]}>" return f"<{num_dem1[0]}/{num_dem1[1]}{mag[1]}, {num_dem2[0]}/{num_dem2[1]}{mag[1]}>"
[docs] def normalized(self, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Determines the unit vector of this vector. Args: out (Vector, optional): The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: Vector: The vector output of the operation. """ if out is None: out = Vector() mag = self.magnitude inv_mag = 1 / mag if mag != 0 else 0 out.x = self.x * inv_mag out.y = self.y * inv_mag return out
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Normalizes the current vector. """ self.normalized(self)
[docs] def sum(self): """ Sums the x and y coordinates of the vector. """ return self.x + self.y
[docs] def dot(self, other: Vector) -> float | int: """ Takes the dot product of two vectors. Args: other: The other vector. Returns: The resulting dot product. """ return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
[docs] def cross(self, other: Vector) -> float | int: """ Takes the cross product of two vectors. Args: other: The other vector. Returns: The resultant scalar magnitude of the orthogonal vector along an imaginary z-axis. """ # note using matrix determinant return self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x
[docs] def perpendicular(self, scalar: float | int = 1, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Computes a scaled 90 degree clockwise rotation on a given vector. Args: scalar: The scalar value. out: The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: The resultant vector when transformed. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = scalar * self.y, -scalar * self.x return out
[docs] def clamp( self, lower: Vector | float | int, upper: Vector | float | int, absolute: bool = False, out: Vector | None = None ): """ Clamps x and y between the two values given. Args: lower: The lower bound. If a vector is specified, its x coord is used to clamp the x coordinate and same for y. upper: The upper bound. If a vector is specified, its x coord is used to clamp the x coordinate and same for y. absolute: Whether to clamp the absolute value of the vector instead of the actual value. Defaults to False. out: The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() if not isinstance(lower, Vector): lower = Vector(lower, lower) if not isinstance(upper, Vector): upper = Vector(upper, upper) out.x = Math.clamp(self.x, lower.x, upper.x) out.y = Math.clamp(self.y, lower.y, upper.y) if absolute: out.x = abs(out.x) out.y = abs(out.y) return out
[docs] def rotate(self, angle: float | int, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Rotates the vector by a given number of degrees. Args: angle: The rotation amount in north-degrees you want to rotate by (relative). out: The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: The resultant Vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() radians = math.radians(-angle) c, s = math.cos(radians), math.sin(radians) out.x, out.y = round(self.x * c - self.y * s, 10), round(self.x * s + self.y * c, 10) return out
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Returns the x and y coordinates of the vector as a tuple. """ return self.x, self.y
[docs] def tuple_int(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Returns a tuple with int-cast values.""" return int(self.x), int(self.y)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Vector: """Returns a copy of the vector.""" return Vector(self.x, self.y)
[docs] def lerp(self, target: Vector, t: float | int, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Lerps the current vector to target by a factor of t. Args: target: The target Vector. t: The lerping amount (between 0 and 1). out: The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: The resulting vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = Math.lerp(self.x, target.x, t), Math.lerp(self.y, target.y, t) return out
[docs] def round(self, decimal_places: int = 0, out: Vector | None = None): """ Returns a new vector with the coordinates rounded. Args: decimal_places: The amount of decimal places rounded to. Defaults to 0. out (Vector, optional): The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: Vector: The resultant Vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = round(self.x, decimal_places), round(self.y, decimal_places) return out
[docs] def max(self) -> float: """Returns the maximum of x and y.""" return max(self.x, self.y)
[docs] def min(self) -> float: """Returns the minimum of x and y.""" return min(self.x, self.y)
[docs] def ceil(self, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Returns a new vector with the coordinates ciel-ed. Args: out (Vector, optional): The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: Vector: The resultant Vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = math.ceil(self.x), math.ceil(self.y) return out
[docs] def floor(self, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Returns a new vector with the coordinates floored. Args: out (Vector, optional): The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: Vector: The resultant Vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = math.floor(self.x), math.floor(self.y) return out
[docs] def abs(self, out: Vector | None = None) -> Vector: """ Returns a new vector with the absolute value of the original coordinates. Args: out (Vector, optional): The output vector to set to. Defaults to a new vector. If you want the function to act on itself, set this value to the reference of the vector. Returns: Vector: The resultant Vector. """ if out is None: out = Vector() out.x, out.y = abs(self.x), abs(self.y) return out
[docs] def dir_to(self, other: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> Vector: """ Direction from the Vector to another Vector (or tuple of floats). Args: other: the position to which you are pointing Returns: A unit vector that is in the pointing to the other position passed in """ return (other - self).normalized()
[docs] def dist_to(self, other: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> float: """ Finds the pythagorean distance to another vector (or tuple of floats). Args: other: The other vector. Returns: The distance. """ return math.sqrt((self.x - other[0])**2 + (self.y - other[1])**2)
[docs] def within(self, other: Vector | tuple[float, float], distance: float | int) -> bool: """ Checks if the vector is within a certain distance of another vector (or tuple of floats). Args: other: The other vector distance: The distance to check Returns: True if the vector is within the distance, False otherwise """ return (self.x - other[0])**2 + (self.y - other[1])**2 <= distance * distance
[docs] @staticmethod def from_radial(magnitude: float | int, angle: float | int) -> Vector: """ Generates a Vector from the given angle and magnitude. Args: magnitude: Length of vector. angle: Direction of vector in North degrees. Returns: Vector from the given direction and distance """ return Vector.up().rotate(angle) * magnitude
[docs] @staticmethod def clamp_magnitude(vector: Vector, max_magnitude: float | int, min_magnitude: float | int = 0) -> Vector: """ Clamps the magnitude of the vector to the given range. Args: vector: The vector to clamp. max_magnitude: The maximum magnitude of the vector. min_magnitude: The minimum magnitude of the vector. Defaults to 0. Returns: A new vector with the magnitude clamped to the given range. """ vector_c = vector.clone() magnitude = vector_c.magnitude new = Math.clamp((magnitude), min_magnitude, max_magnitude) if new != magnitude: vector_c.magnitude = new return vector_c
[docs] @classmethod def angle_between(cls, a: Vector, b: Vector) -> float: """ Returns the smallest possible angle between two vectors. Args: a: First vector. b: Second vector. Returns: Angle in degrees between the two vectors. """ return round(math.degrees(math.acos(( / (a.magnitude * b.magnitude))), 10)
[docs] @classmethod def rand_unit_vector(cls) -> Vector: """ Returns a random unit vector inside the unit circle. Returns: Random vector inside the unit circle. """ return cls.from_radial(1, random.random() * 360)
[docs] @classmethod def poly(cls, num_sides: int, radius: float | int = 1) -> list[Vector]: """ Returns a list of vectors representing a polygon with the given number of sides and radius. Args: num_sides: The number of sides of the polygon. radius: The radius of the polygon. Defaults to 1. Raises: SideError: If num_sides is less than 3. Returns: The list of vectors representing the polygon. """ if num_sides < 3: raise SideError("Can't create a polygon with less than three sides.") rotangle = 360 / num_sides return [Vector.from_radial(radius, -i * rotangle) for i in range(num_sides)]
[docs] @classmethod def rect(cls, width: float | int, height: float | int) -> list[Vector]: """ Returns a list of vectors representing a rectangle with the given width and height. Args: width (float | int): The width of the rectangle. height (float | int): The height of the rectangle. Returns: list[Vector]: The list of vectors representing the rectangle. """ w = width / 2 h = height / 2 return [Vector(-w, -h), Vector(w, -h), Vector(w, h), Vector(-w, h)]
[docs] @staticmethod def zero(): """A zeroed Vector""" return Vector(0, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def one() -> Vector: """A Vector with all ones""" return Vector(1, 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def up(): """A Vector in the up direction""" return Vector(0, 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def left(): """A Vector in the left direction""" return Vector(-1, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def down(): """A Vector in the down direction""" return Vector(0, -1)
[docs] @staticmethod def right(): """A Vector in the right direction""" return Vector(1, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def infinity(): """A Vector at positive infinity""" return Vector(Math.INF, Math.INF)
def __eq__(self, other: Vector | tuple | list) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return self.x == other[0] and self.y == other[1] return False def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x, self.y)) def __gt__(self, other: Vector | tuple | list) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return self.x > other[0] and self.y > other[1] return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other: Vector | tuple | list) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return self.x < other[0] and self.y < other[1] return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other: Vector | tuple | list) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return self.x >= other[0] and self.y >= other[1] return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other: Vector | tuple | list) -> bool: if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return self.x <= other[0] and self.y <= other[1] return NotImplemented def __pow__(self, other: Any, mod) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(pow(self.x, other, mod), pow(self.y, other, mod)) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(pow(self.x, other[0], mod), pow(self.y, other[1], mod)) return NotImplemented def __ipow__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(pow(self.x, other), pow(self.y, other)) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(pow(self.x, other[0]), pow(self.y, other[1])) return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x * other[0], self.y * other[1]) return NotImplemented def __add__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x + other, self.y + other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x + other[0], self.y + other[1]) return NotImplemented def __imul__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x * other[0], self.y * other[1]) return NotImplemented def __iadd__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x + other, self.y + other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x + other[0], self.y + other[1]) return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x * other[0], self.y * other[1]) return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x + other, self.y + other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x + other[0], self.y + other[1]) return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x - other, self.y - other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x - other[0], self.y - other[1]) return NotImplemented def __rsub__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(other - self.x, other - self.y) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(other[0] - self.x, other[1] - self.y) return NotImplemented def __isub__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x - other, self.y - other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x - other[0], self.y - other[1]) return NotImplemented def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x / other, self.y / other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x / other[0], self.y / other[1]) return NotImplemented def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(other / self.x, other / self.y) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(other[0] / self.x, other[1] / self.y) return NotImplemented def __itruediv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x / other, self.y / other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x / other[0], self.y / other[1]) return NotImplemented def __floordiv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x // other, self.y // other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x // other[0], self.y // other[1]) return NotImplemented def __rfloordiv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(other // self.x, other // self.y) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(other[0] // self.x, other[1] // self.y) return NotImplemented def __ifloordiv__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x // other, self.y // other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x // other[0], self.y // other[1]) return NotImplemented def __mod__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x % other, self.y % other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x % other[0], self.y % other[1]) return NotImplemented def __rmod__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(other % self.x, other % self.y) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(other[0] % self.x, other[1] % self.y) return NotImplemented def __imod__(self, other: Any) -> Vector: if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Vector(self.x % other, self.y % other) if isinstance(other, (Vector, tuple, list)): return Vector(self.x % other[0], self.y % other[1]) return NotImplemented def __neg__(self) -> Vector: return Vector(-self.x, -self.y) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int | float]: return iter([self.x, self.y]) def __repr__(self): return f"Vector({self.x}, {self.y})" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.x}, {self.y}>" def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> int | float: if index == 0: return self.x elif index == 1: return self.y raise IndexError(f"Vector index of {index} out of range (should be 0 or 1)") def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: int | float): if index == 0: self.x = value elif index == 1: self.y = value else: raise IndexError(f"Vector index of {index} out of range (should be 0 or 1)") def __len__(self) -> int: return 2
[docs] @staticmethod def create(obj: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> Vector: """ Makes a Vector from a Vector-like object. Args: obj: The object to make a Vector from. """ if isinstance(obj, Vector): return obj if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)) and len(obj) == 2: item_zero, item_one = obj[0], obj[1] if isinstance(item_zero, (int, float)) and isinstance(item_one, (int, float)): return Vector(item_zero, item_one) raise TypeError(f"{obj} is not like a Vector.")