Source code for rubato.utils.color

The representation for colors in rubato.
from __future__ import annotations
import ctypes
from random import randint, choice
import sdl2

from . import Math, Display

[docs]class Color: """ An RGBA color. Note that although the constructor accepts both integers and floats of any value, they are clamped to the range 0 to 255 and int-cast. Args: r: The red value. Defaults to 0. g: The green value. Defaults to 0. b: The blue value. Defaults to 0. a: The alpha value. Defaults to 255. """ # [colordef] _color_defaults = { "yellow": (253, 203, 110), "scarlet": (214, 48, 49), "violet": (108, 92, 231), "turquoize": (0, 206, 201), "orange": (225, 112, 85), "magenta": (232, 67, 147), "blue": (9, 132, 227), "green": (0, 184, 148), "red": (255, 118, 117), "purple": (162, 155, 254), "cyan": (116, 185, 255), "lime": (85, 239, 196), # colorwheel used (rgb values are not identical): # } # [/colordef] # [grayscaledef] _grayscale_defaults = { "black": (0, 0, 0), "white": (255, 255, 255), "night": (20, 20, 22), "darkgray": (45, 52, 54), "gray": (99, 110, 114), "lightgray": (178, 190, 195), "snow": (223, 230, 233), } # [/grayscaledef] def __init__(self, r: int | float = 0, g: int | float = 0, b: int | float = 0, a: int | float = 255): self.r: int = int(Math.clamp(r, 0, 255)) """The red value.""" self.g: int = int(Math.clamp(g, 0, 255)) """The green value.""" self.b: int = int(Math.clamp(b, 0, 255)) """The blue value.""" self.a: int = int(Math.clamp(a, 0, 255)) """The alpha value."""
[docs] def argb32(self) -> int: """The ARGB32 representation of the color.""" return sdl2.SDL_MapRGBA(Display.argb_format, *self.to_tuple())
[docs] def rgba32(self) -> int: """The RGBA32 representation of the color.""" return sdl2.SDL_MapRGBA(Display.rgba_format, *self.to_tuple())
[docs] def darker(self, amount: int = 20): """ Returns a darker copy of the color. It subtracts ``amount`` from the RGB values. Args: amount: How much darker. Defaults to 20. Returns: Color: The resultant color. """ return Color(max(self.r - amount, 0), max(self.g - amount, 0), max(self.b - amount, 0), self.a)
[docs] def lighter(self, amount: int = 20): """ Returns a lighter copy of the color. It adds ``amount`` to the RGB values. Args: amount: How much lighter. Defaults to 20. Returns: Color: The resultant color. """ return Color(min(self.r + amount, 255), min(self.g + amount, 255), min(self.b + amount, 255), self.a)
[docs] def mix(self, other: Color, t: float = 0.5, mode: str = "mix") -> Color: """ Mix two colors together. Args: other: The other color. t: The interpolation amount (0 to 1). Defaults to 0.5. mode: The blending mode ("linear", "mix", "blend"). Linear is the linear interpolation between the two colors. Mix and Blend are 2 different algorithms to mix colors. They tend to look better then linear. Defaults to "mix". Returns: Color: The resultant color. """ if mode == "linear": return Color((1 - t) * self.r + t * other.r, (1 - t) * self.g + t * other.g, (1 - t) * self.b + t * other.b, (1 - t) * self.a + t * other.a) if mode == "blend": alpha_a = (self.a / 255) * (1 - t) a = 1 - (1 - alpha_a) * (1 - (other.a / 255)) s = (other.a / 255) * (1 - alpha_a) / a return Color( ((1 - s) * (self.r**2.2) + s * (other.r**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), ((1 - s) * (self.g**2.2) + s * (other.g**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), ((1 - s) * (self.b**2.2) + s * (other.b**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), a * 255, ) return Color( ((1 - t) * (self.r**2.2) + t * (other.r**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), ((1 - t) * (self.g**2.2) + t * (other.g**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), ((1 - t) * (self.b**2.2) + t * (other.b**2.2))**(1 / 2.2), (1 - t) * self.a + t * other.a, )
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Converts the Color to a tuple. Returns: tuple(int, int, int, int): The tuple representing the color. """ return self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a
[docs] def to_hex(self) -> str: """ Converts the Color to a hexadecimal string. Returns: str: The hexadecimal output in lowercase. (i.e. ffffffff) """ return f"{self.r:02x}{self.g: 02x}{self.b: 02x}{self.a: 02x}".replace(" ", "")
[docs] def to_hsv(self) -> tuple[float | int, float | int, float, float]: """ Converts the Color to a tuple containing its HSV values. Returns: tuple[int]: The Color values as HSV in the form of a tuple. """ # R, G, B values are divided by 255 # to change the range from 0..255 to 0..1: r, g, b = self.r / 255.0, self.g / 255.0, self.b / 255.0 # h, s, v = hue, saturation, value cmax = max(r, g, b) # maximum of r, g, b cmin = min(r, g, b) # minimum of r, g, b diff = cmax - cmin # diff of cmax and cmin. # if cmax and cmax are equal then h = 0 if cmax == cmin: h = 0 # if cmax equal r then compute h elif cmax == r: h = (60 * ((g - b) / diff) + 360) % 360 # if cmax equal g then compute h elif cmax == g: h = (60 * ((b - r) / diff) + 120) % 360 # if cmax equal b then compute h else: h = (60 * ((r - g) / diff) + 240) % 360 # if cmax equal zero if cmax == 0: s = 0 else: s = (diff / cmax) # compute v v = cmax return h, s, v, self.a / 255
[docs] @staticmethod def random_default(grayscale: int = -1) -> Color: """ Returns a random default Color. Args: grayscale: Grayscale color option (-1 excludes, 0 includes, and 1 only chooses from grayscale colors). Defaults to -1. Returns: A random default Color. """ return Color( *choice( list(Color._color_defaults.values()) if grayscale <= 0 else [] + list(Color._grayscale_defaults.values() if grayscale >= 0 else []) ) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_argb32(cls, argb32: int) -> Color: """ Creates a Color object from an ARGB32 representation. Args: argb32: The ARGB32 representation as an int. Returns: The color object from the ARGB32. """ r, g, b, a = ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0) sdl2.SDL_GetRGBA( argb32, Display.argb_format, ctypes.byref(r), ctypes.byref(g), ctypes.byref(b), ctypes.byref(a) ) return cls(r.value, g.value, b.value, a.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rgba32(cls, rgba32: int) -> Color: """ Creates a Color object from an RGBA32 representation. Args: rgba32: The RGBA32 representation as an int. Returns: The color object from the RGBA32. """ r, g, b, a = ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0), ctypes.c_ubyte(0) sdl2.SDL_GetRGBA( rgba32, Display.rgba_format, ctypes.byref(r), ctypes.byref(g), ctypes.byref(b), ctypes.byref(a) ) return cls(r.value, g.value, b.value, a.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hex(cls, h: str) -> Color: """ Creates a Color object from a hex string. Args: h: The hexadecimal value in any of the following formats: "#rrggbb", "#rrggbbaa", "rrggbb", or "rrggbbaa". Returns: Color: The Color object. """ h_parsed = h if h[0] == "#": h_parsed = h[1:] lv = len(h_parsed) if lv not in (6, 8): raise ValueError(f"Invalid hex string: {h}") try: return cls(*(int(h_parsed[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3))) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid hex string: {h}") from ValueError
[docs] @classmethod def from_hsv(cls, h: float, s: float, v: float, a: float = 1) -> Color: """ Creates a Color object from HSV values. Args: h: The hue degree (0 to 360). s: The saturation proportion (0 to 1). v: The value proportion (0 to 1). a: The alpha proportion (0 to 1). Returns: Color: The Color object. """ hh = h / 60 i = int(hh) ff = hh - i x = v * 255 p = x * (1 - s) q = x * (1 - (s * ff)) t = x * (1 - (s * (1 - ff))) return cls(*((x, t, p), (q, x, p), (p, x, t), (p, q, x), (t, p, x), (x, p, q), (x, p, q))[i], a * 255)
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls) -> Color: """A random color.""" return Color(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))
[docs] @classmethod @property def clear(cls) -> Color: """A transparent color object.""" return Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod @property def black(cls) -> Color: """ The default black color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["black"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def white(cls) -> Color: """ The default white color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["white"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def night(cls) -> Color: """ The default night color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["night"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def darkgray(cls) -> Color: """ The default darkgray color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["darkgray"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def gray(cls) -> Color: """ The default gray color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["gray"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def lightgray(cls) -> Color: """ The default lightgray color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["lightgray"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def snow(cls) -> Color: """ The default snow color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Grayscale defaults <api:default grayscale colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._grayscale_defaults["snow"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def yellow(cls) -> Color: """ The default yellow color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["yellow"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def orange(cls) -> Color: """ The default orange color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["orange"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def red(cls) -> Color: """ The default red color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["red"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def scarlet(cls) -> Color: """ The default scarlet color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["scarlet"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def magenta(cls) -> Color: """ The default magenta color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["magenta"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def purple(cls) -> Color: """ The default purple color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["purple"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def violet(cls) -> Color: """ The default violet color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["violet"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def blue(cls) -> Color: """ The default blue color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["blue"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def cyan(cls) -> Color: """ The default cyan color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["cyan"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def turquoize(cls) -> Color: """ The default turquoize color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["turquoize"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def green(cls) -> Color: """ The default green color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["green"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def lime(cls) -> Color: """ The default lime color. To see the RGB values, check out the :ref:`Color defaults <api:default colors>`. """ return Color(*Color._color_defaults["lime"])
[docs] @classmethod @property def debug(cls) -> Color: """ The default debug color. Color(0, 255, 0) """ return Color(0, 255, 0)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Color: """ Returns a copy of the color. """ return Color(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)
def __repr__(self): return f"Color(r={self.r}, g={self.g}, b={self.b}, a={self.a})" def __eq__(self, other: Color) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Color): return self.r == other.r and self.b == other.b and self.g == other.g and self.a == other.a return False def __hash__(self): return hash((self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a))