Source code for rubato.structure.scene

An abstraction for a "level", or scene, in rubato.
from __future__ import annotations

from . import Group, GameObject
from .. import Game, Color, Draw, Camera

[docs]class Scene: """ A scene divides different, potentially unrelated, sections of a game into groups. For instance, there may be a scene for the main menu, a scene for each level, and a scene for the win screen. Args: name: The name of the scene. This is used to reference the scene. Automatically set if not assigned. Once this is set, it cannot be changed. background_color: The color of the background of the window. Defaults to Color(255, 255, 255). border_color: The color of the border of the window. Defaults to Color(0, 0, 0). """ def __init__( self, name: str | None = None, background_color: Color = Color.white, border_color: Color =, ): self.root: Group = Group(name="root") """The base group of game objects in the scene.""" self.ui: Group = Group(name="ui") """ The ui elements of this scene. These are drawn on top of everything else and do not interact with the other game objects. """ = Camera() """The camera of this scene.""" self._ui_cam = Camera() self.started = False self.border_color = border_color """The color of the border of the window.""" self.background_color = background_color """The color of the background of the window.""" self.__id = Game._add(self, name) @property def name(self): """ The name of this scene. Read-only. """ return self.__id
[docs] def switch(self): """ Switches to this scene on the next frame. """ Game.set_scene(
[docs] def add(self, *items: GameObject | Group): """ Adds an item to the root group. Args: *items: The items to add to the scene. """ self.root.add(*items)
[docs] def add_ui(self, *items: GameObject): """ Adds Game Objects as UI to the scene. When a game object is added as a UI, they draw as they normally would, but they don't collide with other game objects, they draw on top of everything else, and they are unaffected by the camera. Args: *items: The items to add to the scene. """ self.ui.add(*items)
[docs] def remove(self, *items: GameObject | Group) -> bool: """ Removes an item from the root group. Args: items: The items to remove. Returns: Whether it was removed successfully. """ return self.root.remove(*items)
[docs] def remove_ui(self, *items: GameObject) -> bool: """ Removes an item from the ui group. Args: items: The items to remove. Returns: Whether it was removed successfully. """ return self.ui.remove(*items)
def _dump(self): self.root._dump() self.ui._dump() def _setup(self): self.started = True self.setup() def _update(self): if not self.started: self._setup() self.update() self.root._update() self.ui._update() def _paused_update(self): if not self.started: self._setup() self.paused_update() def _fixed_update(self): self.fixed_update() self.root._fixed_update() self.ui._fixed_update() def _draw(self): Draw.clear(self.background_color, self.border_color) self.draw() self.root._draw( self.ui._draw(self._ui_cam)
[docs] def setup(self): """ The start loop for this scene. It is run before the first frame. Is empty be default and can be overriden. """ pass
[docs] def update(self): """ The update loop for this scene. It is run once every frame, before :meth:`draw`. Is empty by default and can be overridden. """ pass
[docs] def fixed_update(self): """ The fixed update loop for this scene. It is run (potentially) many times a frame. Is empty by default and can be overridden. Note: You should define fixed_update only for high priority calculations that need to match the physics fps. """ pass
[docs] def paused_update(self): """ The paused update loop for this scene. It is run once a frame when the game is paused. Is empty by default and can be overridden. """ pass
[docs] def draw(self): """ The draw loop for this scene. It is run once every frame. Is empty by default and can be overridden. """ pass
[docs] def on_switch(self): """ An overridable method that is called whenever this scene is switched to. """ pass
[docs] def clone(self) -> Scene: """ Clones this scene. Warning: This is a relatively expensive operation as it clones every group in the scene. """ new_scene = Scene( name=f"{} (clone)", background_color=self.background_color, border_color=self.border_color ) new_scene.root = self.root.clone() new_scene.ui = self.ui.clone() return new_scene