Source code for

Groups contain game objects or other groups and allow separation between game objects.
from __future__ import annotations

from . import GameObject, Hitbox
from .gameobject.physics.qtree import _QTree
from .. import Error, Camera, Game

[docs]class Group: """ A divider between separate categories of game objects. Can be used to differentiate between different "groups" of elements that you don't want to interact; i.e. you don't want a gameobject representing an enemy to collide with the coins in the scene. Args: name: The name of the group. Defaults to "" and is set to "Group #" when it is added to another Group or Scene. active: Whether the group is active or not. Defaults to True. hidden: Whether the group is hidden or not. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, name: str = "", active: bool = True, hidden: bool = False): str = name """The name of the group.""" bool = active """Whether to update and draw this group's contents.""" self.groups: list[Group] = [] """A list of groups that are children of this group.""" self.game_objects: list[GameObject] = [] """A list of game objects that are children of this group.""" self.hidden: bool = hidden """Whether to hide (not draw) this group's contents.""" self._add_queue: list[GameObject | Group] = []
[docs] def add(self, *items: GameObject | Group): """ Adds an item to the group. Keep in mind that if this is called after the game has begun, the items wont be added until the end of the frame. Args: items: The item(s) you wish to add to the group Raises: Error: The item being added is already in the group. ValueError: The group can only hold game objects or other groups. Returns: Group: This group. """ for item in items: if not isinstance(item, GameObject | Group): raise ValueError(f"The group {} can only hold game objects/groups.") if self == item: raise Error("Cannot add a group to itself.") if self.contains(item): raise Error(f"The group {} already contains {}.") if Game.state == Game.STOPPED: self._force_add(*items) else: self._add_queue.extend(items) return self
def _dump(self): """ Add the add queue. """ if self._add_queue: self._force_add(*self._add_queue) self._add_queue.clear() for group in self.groups: group._dump() def _force_add(self, *items: GameObject | Group): """ Adds the groups/gameobjects without checking the game state. """ for item in items: if isinstance(item, GameObject): if == "": = f"Game Object {len(self.game_objects)}" self.game_objects.append(item) elif isinstance(item, Group): if == "": = f"Group {len(self.groups)}" self.groups.append(item)
[docs] def remove(self, *items: GameObject | Group) -> bool: """ Remove an item shallowly from the group. Args: items: The groups or gameobjects to remove. Returns: Whether it was removed successfully. """ success = True for item in items: try: if isinstance(item, GameObject): self.game_objects.remove(item) elif isinstance(item, Group): self.groups.remove(item) except ValueError: success = False return success
def _update(self): if not return for group in self.groups: group._update() for game_obj in self.game_objects: game_obj._update() def _fixed_update(self): """ Runs a physics iteration on the group. Called automatically by rubato as long as the group is added to a scene. """ if not return for group in self.groups: group._fixed_update() all_hts = [] for game_obj in self.game_objects: game_obj._fixed_update() hts = game_obj.get_all(Hitbox) if hts: all_hts.append(hts) qtree = _QTree(all_hts) for go in self.all_gameobjects(): hts = go.get_all(Hitbox) if hts: qtree.collide(hts, qtree.calc_bb(hts))
[docs] def all_gameobjects(self, include_self: bool = False) -> list[GameObject]: """ Returns a list of all game objects in the group and all of its children. Args: include_self (bool, optional): Whether to include this group's direct children. Defaults to False. Returns: list[GameObject]: The resultant list. """ ret: list[GameObject] = self.game_objects if include_self else [] for group in self.groups: ret.extend(group.all_gameobjects(True)) return ret
def _draw(self, camera: Camera): if not or self.hidden: return for group in self.groups: group._draw(camera) for game_obj in self.game_objects: if game_obj.z_index <= camera.z_index: game_obj._draw(camera)
[docs] def count(self) -> int: """ Counts all the GameObjects and subgroups in this group. Returns: int: The total number of GameObjects and subgroups contained in this group. """ return len(self.game_objects) + len(self.groups) + sum(group.count() for group in self.groups)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Group: """ Clones the group and all of its children. Warning: This is a relatively expensive operation as it clones every game object and component in the group. """ new_group = Group(f"{} (clone)", for group in self.groups: new_group.add(group.clone()) for game_obj in self.game_objects: new_group.add(game_obj.clone()) return new_group
[docs] def contains(self, other: GameObject | Group) -> bool: """ Checks if the group contains the given object. Args: other: The object to check for. Returns: bool: Whether the group contains the object or not. """ if isinstance(other, GameObject): return other in self.game_objects or sum(group.contains(other) for group in self.groups) != 0 if isinstance(other, Group): return other in self.groups or sum(group.contains(other) for group in self.groups) != 0 return False