Source code for rubato.structure.gameobject.ui.text

"""A text component."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal
import sdl2, sdl2.ext

from .. import Component
from .... import Vector, Color, Font, Draw, Camera, Surface

[docs]class Text(Component): """ A text component. Add this to game objects or UI elements to give them text. Args: text: The text to display. Defaults to "". font: The font to use. Defaults to Font(). justify: The justification of the text. Defaults to "left". anchor: The anchor of the text. The zero vector means it is centered. x component is whether to shift left, none, or right (-1, 0, 1). y component is whether to shift top, none, or bottom (-1, 0, 1). Defaults to Vector(0, 0). width: The width of the text. Defaults to 0. offset: The offset of the text from the game object. Defaults to Vector(0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the text from the game object. Defaults to 0. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to True. z_index: The z index of the text. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the text is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, text: str = "", font: Font = Font(), justify: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left", anchor: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), width: int = 0, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, af: bool = True, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden) self._text: str = text self.font_object: Font = font self.anchor: Vector = Vector.create(anchor) """ The anchor vector of the text. This controls the position of the text relative to the game object. Is a vector where the x value controls the x anchor and the y value controls the y anchor. The values for each can be either -1, 0 or 1. This offset the text around the game object center. Example: An anchor of ``Vector(0, 0)`` will center the text on the game object. An anchor of ``Vector(1, 1)`` will move the text so that it's top left corner is at the game object's center. """ self._justify: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = justify self._width: int = width self._af = af if not self.font_object: self.font_object = Font() self._uptodate = False @property def af(self) -> bool: """Whether to use anisotropic filtering.""" return self._af @af.setter def af(self, new: bool): self._af = new self._uptodate = False @property def text(self) -> str: """The text of the Text.""" return self._text @text.setter def text(self, new: str): self._text = new self._uptodate = False @property def justify(self) -> Literal["left", "center", "right"]: """ The justification of the text. Can be one of: ``"left"``, ``"center"``, ``"right"``. """ return self._justify @justify.setter def justify(self, new: Literal["left", "center", "right"]): if new not in ["left", "center", "right"]: raise ValueError(f"Justification {new} is not left, center or right.") self._justify = new self._uptodate = False @property def width(self) -> int: """The maximum width of the text. Will automatically wrap the text. Use -1 to disable wrapping.""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, new: int): self._width = new self._uptodate = False @property def font_size(self) -> int: """ The font size. Warning: Don't set this too high or font smoothing may misbehave on some systems. """ return self.font_object.size @font_size.setter def font_size(self, size: int): self.font_object.size = size self._uptodate = False @property def font_color(self) -> Color: """The font color.""" return self.font_object.color @font_color.setter def font_color(self, color: Color): self.font_object.color = color self._uptodate = False
[docs] def add_style(self, style: str): """Add a style to the font (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, normal).""" self.font_object.add_style(style) self._uptodate = False
[docs] def remove_style(self, style: str): """Remove a style from a font.""" self.font_object.remove_style(style) self._uptodate = False
def _regen(self): """(Re)generates the surface of the text.""" surf = self.font_object._generate( self._text, self._justify, self._width, ) self._surf = Surface._from_surf(surf, af=self._af) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf)
[docs] def update(self): if not self._uptodate: self._regen() self._uptodate = True
[docs] def draw(self, camera: Camera): self._surf.rotation = self.true_rotation() Draw.queue_surface( self._surf, self.true_pos() + self.anchor * self._surf.size_scaled() / 2, self.true_z(), camera, )
[docs] def clone(self) -> Text: """Clones the text component.""" return Text( text=self._text, font=self.font_object.clone(), anchor=self.anchor.clone(), justify=self._justify, width=self._width, offset=self.offset.clone(), rot_offset=self.rot_offset, z_index=self.z_index, )