Source code for rubato.structure.gameobject.sprites.raster

"""Abstract component for manipulating pixels attached to a game object."""
from __future__ import annotations
from .. import Component, Rectangle
from .... import Vector, Camera, Draw, Color, Surface

[docs]class Raster(Component): """ A raster is a component that contains a surface. Args: width: The width of the Raster. Defaults to 32. height: The height of the Raster. Defaults to 32. scale: The scale of the Raster. Defaults to (1, 1). offset: The offset of the Raster. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the Raster. Defaults to 0. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to False. z_index: The z-index of the Raster. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether to hide the Raster. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, width: int = 32, height: int = 32, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, af: bool = False, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__(offset, rot_offset, z_index, hidden) Surface = Surface(width, height, scale, rot_offset, af) @property def scale(self) -> Vector: """The scale of the raster.""" return @scale.setter def scale(self, new: Vector): = new @property def af(self) -> bool: """Whether to use anisotropic filtering.""" return @af.setter def af(self, new: bool): = new
[docs] def get_rect(self) -> Rectangle: """ Generates the rectangular bounding box of the raster. Returns: The Rectangle hitbox that bounds the raster. """ size = self.get_size() return Rectangle(offset=self.offset, width=size.x, height=size.y, scale=self.scale)
[docs] def blit( self, other: Raster, src_rect: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, dst: Vector | tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), ): """ Blits (merges / copies) another Surface onto this one. Args: other: The Surface to blit onto this one. src_rect: The area (center_x, center_y, width, height) to crop from the source surface (other). Defaults to the whole surface. dst: The position to place the other surface. Defaults to (0, 0). Note: Will not stretch the other surface to fit the destination rectangle. """, src_rect, dst)
[docs] def flip_x(self): """ Flips the raster along the x-axis. """
[docs] def flip_y(self): """ Flips the raster along the y-axis. """
[docs] def flip_anti_diagonal(self): """ Flips the surface along the anti-diagonal. """
[docs] def draw(self, camera: Camera): = self.true_rotation() Draw.queue_surface(, self.true_pos(), self.true_z(), camera)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the surface. """
[docs] def fill(self, color: Color): """ Fill the surface with a color. Args: color: The color to fill with. """
[docs] def get_pixel(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> Color: """ Gets the color of a pixel on the surface. Args: pos: The position of the pixel. Returns: The color of the pixel. """ return
[docs] def set_pixel(self, pos: Vector | tuple[float, float], color: Color =, blending: bool = True): """ Draws a point on the surface. Args: pos: The position to draw the point. color: The color of the point. Defaults to black. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """, color, blending)
[docs] def draw_line( self, start: Vector | tuple[float, float], end: Vector | tuple[float, float], color: Color =, aa: bool = False, thickness: int = 1, blending: bool = True ): """ Draws a line on the surface. Args: start: The start of the line. end: The end of the line. color: The color of the line. Defaults to black. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. thickness: The thickness of the line. Defaults to 1. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """, end, color, aa, thickness, blending)
[docs] def draw_rect( self, center: Vector | tuple[float, float], dims: Vector | tuple[float, float], border: Color =, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, blending: bool = True, ): """ Draws a rectangle on the surface. Args: center: The top left corner of the rectangle. dims: The dimensions of the rectangle. border: The border color of the rectangle. Defaults to black. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the rectangle. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """, dims, border, border_thickness, fill, blending)
[docs] def draw_circle( self, center: Vector | tuple[float, float], radius: int, border: Color | None = None, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, aa: bool = False, blending: bool = True, ): """ Draws a circle on the surface. Args: center: The center of the circle. radius: The radius of the circle. border: The border color of the circle. Defaults to None. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the circle. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """, radius, border, border_thickness, fill, aa, blending)
[docs] def draw_poly( self, points: list[Vector] | list[tuple[float, float]], center: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), border: Color | None = None, border_thickness: int = 1, fill: Color | None = None, aa: bool = False, blending: bool = True, ): """ Draws a polygon on the surface. Args: points: The points of the polygon. center: The center of the polygon. border: The border color of the polygon. Defaults to None. border_thickness: The thickness of the border. Defaults to 1. fill: The fill color of the polygon. Set to None for no fill. Defaults to None. aa: Whether to use anti-aliasing. Defaults to False. blending: Whether to use blending. Defaults to False. """, center, border, border_thickness, fill, aa, blending)
[docs] def get_size(self) -> Vector: """ Gets the current size of the surface. Returns: The size of the surface """ return
[docs] def switch_color(self, color: Color, new_color: Color): """ Switches a color in the surface. Args: color: The color to switch. new_color: The new color to switch to. """, new_color)
[docs] def set_colorkey(self, color: Color): """ Sets the colorkey of the surface. Args: color: Color to set as the colorkey. """
[docs] def set_alpha(self, new: int): """ Sets surface wide alpha. Args: new: The new alpha. (value between 0-255) """
[docs] def get_alpha(self) -> int: """ Gets the surface wide alpha. """ return
[docs] def save_as( self, filename: str, path: str = "./", extension: str = "png", save_to_temp_path: bool = False, quality: int = 100, ) -> bool: """ Save the raster to a file. Args: filename: The name of the file to save to. path: Path to output folder. extension: The extension to save the file as. (png, jpg, bmp supported) save_to_temp_path: Whether to save the file to a temporary path (i.e. MEIPASS used in exe). quality: The quality of the jpg 0-100 (only used for jpgs). Returns: If save was successful. """ return, path, extension, save_to_temp_path, quality)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Raster: """ Clones the current raster. Returns: The cloned raster. """ r = Raster(,, self.scale, self.offset.clone(), self.rot_offset,, self.z_index, ) = return r
[docs]class Image(Raster): """ An image is a raster subclass that generates the surface from an image file. Args: path: The path to the file. scale: The scale of the Raster. Defaults to (1, 1). offset: The offset of the Raster. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the Raster. Defaults to 0. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering. Defaults to False. z_index: The z-index of the Raster. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether to hide the Raster. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, path: str, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, af: bool = False, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden) if path == "": = Surface(1, 1) else: = Surface.from_file(path, scale, rot_offset, af)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Image: img = Image("", self.scale, self.offset.clone(), self.rot_offset,, self.z_index) = return img