Source code for rubato.structure.gameobject.sprites.animation

This is the animation component module for game objects.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from os import path as os_path, walk

from .. import Component
from .... import Vector, Time, get_path, Draw, Camera, Surface

    from . import Spritesheet

[docs]class Animation(Component): """ Animations are a series of images that update automatically in accordance with parameters. Args: scale: The scale of the animation. Defaults to (1, 1). fps: The frames per second of the animation. Defaults to 24. af: Whether to use anisotropic filtering on the animation. Defaults to False. flipx: Whether to flip the animation horizontally. Defaults to False. flipy: Whether to flip the animation vertically. Defaults to False. alpha: The alpha of the animation. Defaults to 255. offset: The offset of the animation from the game object. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the animation from the game object. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z-index of the animation. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the animation is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), fps: int = 24, af: bool = False, flipx: bool = False, flipy: bool = False, alpha: int = 255, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden) self._fps: int = fps self.singular = False self._states: dict[str, list[Surface]] = {} self._freeze: int = -1 self.default_state: str = "" """The key of the default state.""" self.current_state: str = "" """The key of the current state.""" self.animation_frames_left: int = 0 """The number of animation frames left.""" self._current_frame: int = 0 """The current frame of the animation.""" self.loop: bool = True """Whether the animation should loop.""" self.scale: Vector = Vector.create(scale) """The scale of the animation.""" bool = af """Whether to enable anisotropic filtering.""" self.flipx: bool = flipx """Whether to flip the animation along the x axis.""" self.flipy: bool = flipy """Whether to flip the animation along the y axis.""" self.alpha: int = alpha """The alpha of the animation.""" self._time_step: float = 1 / self._fps self._time_count: float = 0 @property def fps(self): """The fps of the animation.""" return self._fps @fps.setter def fps(self, new): self._fps = new self._time_step = 1 / self._fps @property def current_frame(self) -> int: """The current frame that the animation is on.""" return self._current_frame @current_frame.setter def current_frame(self, new: int): self._current_frame = new self.animation_frames_left = len(self._states[self.current_state]) - (1 + self._current_frame)
[docs] def anim_frame(self) -> Surface: """The current animation frame.""" surface = self._states[self.current_state][self.current_frame] = surface.rotation = self.true_rotation() surface.set_alpha(self.alpha) calculated_scale = self.scale.clone() if self.flipx: calculated_scale.x *= -1 if self.flipy: calculated_scale.y *= -1 surface.scale = calculated_scale if not surface.uptodate: surface._regen() return surface
[docs] def set_state(self, new_state: str, loop: bool = False, freeze: int = -1): """ Set the current animation state. Args: new_state: The key of the new current state. loop: Whether to loop the state. Defaults to False. freeze: Freezes the animation once the specified frame is reached (No animation). Use -1 to never freeze. Defaults to -1. Raises: KeyError: The new_state key is not in the initialized states. """ if new_state != self.current_state: if new_state not in self._states: raise KeyError(f"The given state {new_state} is not in the initialized states") self.loop = loop self.current_state = new_state self.reset() self._freeze = freeze
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the animation state back to the first frame.""" self.current_frame = 0
[docs] def add(self, state_name: str, images: list[Surface]): """ Adds a state to the animation. Args: state_name: The key used to reference this state. images: A list of images to use as the animation. """ self._states[state_name] = images if len(self._states) == 1: self.default_state = state_name self.current_state = state_name self.reset()
[docs] def add_folder(self, state_name: str, path: str, recursive: bool = True): """ Adds a state from a folder of images. Directory must be solely comprised of images. Args: state_name: The key used to reference this state. path: The relative path to the folder you wish to import recursive: Whether it will import an animation shallowly or recursively. Defaults to True. """ ret_list = [] p = get_path(path) if not recursive: _, _, files = next(walk(p)) files.sort() for image_path in files: try: path_to_image = os_path.join(p, image_path) image = Surface.from_file(path_to_image) ret_list.append(image) except TypeError: continue else: for _, _, files in walk(p): # walk to directory path and ignore name and subdirectories files.sort() for image_path in files: try: path_to_image = os_path.join(p, image_path) image = Surface.from_file(path_to_image) ret_list.append(image) except TypeError: continue self.add(state_name, ret_list)
[docs] def add_spritesheet( self, state_name: str, spritesheet: Spritesheet, from_coord: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), to_coord: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0) ): """ Adds a state from a spritesheet. Will include all sprites from the from_coord to the to_coord. Args: state_name: The key used to reference this state. spritesheet: The spritesheet to use. from_coord: The grid coordinate of the first frame. Defaults to (0, 0). to_coord: The grid coordinate of the last coord. Defaults to (0, 0). Example: .. code-block:: python animation.add_spritesheet("idle", spritesheet, Vector(0, 0), Vector(1, 3)) # This will add the frames (0, 0) to (0, size) and (1, 0) to (1, 3) inclusive to the animation # with the state name "idle". animation.add_spritesheet("idle", spritesheet, to_coord=spritesheet.end) # This will just load from the start to the end of the spritesheet. """ state = [] x, y = int(from_coord[0]), int(from_coord[1]) to_x, to_y = int(to_coord[0]), int(to_coord[1]) while True: state.append(spritesheet.get(x, y)) if y == to_y and x == to_x: break x += 1 if x >= spritesheet.grid_size.x: x = 0 if y >= spritesheet.grid_size.y: break y += 1 self.add(state_name, state)
[docs] def update(self): """Steps the animation forwards.""" self._time_count += Time.delta_time while self._time_count > self._time_step: if self.current_frame != self._freeze: if self.animation_frames_left > 0: self.current_frame += 1 elif self.loop: self.reset() else: self.set_state(self.default_state, True) self._time_count -= self._time_step
[docs] def draw(self, camera: Camera): """Draws the animation frame.""" Draw.queue_surface(self.anim_frame(), self.true_pos(), self.true_z(), camera)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Animation: """Clones the animation.""" new = Animation( scale=self.scale.clone(), fps=self.fps,, flipx=self.flipx, flipy=self.flipy, offset=self.offset.clone(), rot_offset=self.rot_offset, z_index=self.z_index, ) new._states = self._states new.default_state = self.default_state new.current_state = self.current_state new.loop = self.loop new.current_frame = self.current_frame new._freeze = self._freeze return new