"""Primitive shapes integrated into the physics engine."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
from .. import Component
from .... import Vector, Color, Game, Draw, Math, Camera, Input, Surface
[docs]class Hitbox(Component):
A hitbox superclass. Do not use this class to attach hitboxes to your game objects.
Instead, use Polygon or Circle, which inherit Hitbox properties.
color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None.
tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "".
debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False.
trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False.
scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1).
on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
on_enter: A function to call when the hitbox enters another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
color: Color | None = None,
tag: str = "",
debug: bool = False,
trigger: bool = False,
scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
on_collide: Callable | None = None,
on_enter: Callable | None = None,
on_exit: Callable | None = None,
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False,
super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden)
self.debug: bool = debug
"""Whether to draw a green outline around the hitbox or not."""
self.trigger: bool = trigger
"""Whether this hitbox is just a trigger or not."""
self.scale: Vector = Vector.create(scale)
"""The scale of the hitbox."""
self.on_collide: Callable = on_collide if on_collide else lambda manifold: None
"""The on_collide function to call when a collision happens with this hitbox."""
self.on_enter: Callable = on_enter if on_enter else lambda manifold: None
"""The on_enter function to call when collision begins with this hitbox."""
self.on_exit: Callable = on_exit if on_exit else lambda manifold: None
"""The on_exit function to call when a collision ends with this hitbox."""
self.singular: bool = False
"""Whether this hitbox is singular or not."""
self.tag: str = tag
"""The tag of the hitbox (can be used to identify hitboxes in collision callbacks)"""
self.colliding: set[Hitbox] = set()
"""An unordered set of hitboxes that the Hitbox is currently colliding with."""
self.color: Color | None = color
"""The color of the hitbox."""
self._image: Surface = Surface()
self._debug_image: Surface = Surface()
self.uptodate: bool = False
"""Whether the hitbox image is up to date or not."""
self._old_rot_offset: float = self.rot_offset
self._old_offset: Vector = self.offset.clone()
self._old_scale: Vector = self.scale
self._old_color: Color | None = self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None
[docs] def regen(self):
Regenerates internal hitbox information.
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Checks if a point is inside the Hitbox.
pt: The point to check, in game-world coordinates.
Whether the point is inside the Hitbox.
return False
[docs] def redraw(self):
Regenerates the image of the hitbox.
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]:
Gets bottom left and top right corners of the axis-aligned bounding box of the hitbox in world coordinates.
tuple[Vector, Vector]:
The bottom left and top right right corners of the bounding box as Vectors as a tuple.
(bottom left, top right)
true_pos = self.true_pos()
return true_pos, true_pos
[docs] def update(self):
if self.scale != self._old_scale:
self.uptodate = False
if not self.uptodate or self.rot_offset != self._old_rot_offset or self.offset != self._old_offset:
self._old_rot_offset = self.rot_offset
self._old_offset = self.offset.clone()
if not self.uptodate or self.color != self._old_color:
self._old_color = self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None
if not self.uptodate:
self.uptodate = True
self._old_scale = self.scale
[docs] def draw(self, camera: Camera):
if self.color:
self._image.rotation = self.true_rotation()
Draw.queue_surface(self._image, self.true_pos(), self.true_z(), camera)
if self.debug or Game.debug:
self._debug_image.rotation = self.true_rotation()
Draw.queue_surface(self._debug_image, self.true_pos(), Math.INF, camera=camera)
[docs]class Polygon(Hitbox):
A Polygonal Hitbox component.
If creating vertices by hand, make sure you generate them in a CLOCKWISE direction.
Otherwise, polygons may not behave or draw properly.
We recommend using Vector.poly() to generate the vertex list for regular polygons.
rubato does not currently support concave polygons.
Creating concave polygons will result in undesired behavior.
verts: The vertices of the polygon. Defaults to [].
color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None.
tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "".
debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False.
trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False.
scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1).
on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
verts: list[Vector] | list[tuple[float, float]] = [],
color: Color | None = None,
tag: str = "",
debug: bool = False,
trigger: bool = False,
scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
on_collide: Callable | None = None,
on_exit: Callable | None = None,
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False,
self._verts: list[Vector] = [Vector.create(v) for v in verts]
def verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
"""A list of the vertices in the Polygon."""
return self._verts
def verts(self, new: list[Vector]):
self._verts = new
self.uptodate = False
def radius(self) -> float:
"""The radius of the Polygon. (get-only)"""
verts = self.offset_verts()
max_dist = -Math.INF
for vert in verts:
dist = vert.dist_to(self.offset)
if dist > max_dist:
max_dist = dist
return round(max_dist, 10)
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]:
verts = self.true_verts()
bottom, top, left, right = Math.INF, -Math.INF, Math.INF, -Math.INF
for vert in verts:
if vert.y > top:
top = vert.y
elif vert.y < bottom:
bottom = vert.y
if vert.x > right:
right = vert.x
elif vert.x < left:
left = vert.x
return Vector(left, bottom), Vector(right, top)
[docs] def offset_verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
"""The list of polygon vertices offset by the Polygon's offsets."""
return self._offset_verts
[docs] def true_verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
Returns a list of the Polygon's vertices in world coordinates. Accounts for gameobject position and rotation.
return [v.rotate(self.gameobj.rotation) + self.gameobj.pos for v in self.offset_verts()]
[docs] def regen(self):
self._offset_verts = [(vert * self.scale).rotate(self.rot_offset) + self.offset for vert in self.verts]
[docs] def redraw(self):
w = round(self.radius * self.scale.x * 2)
h = round(self.radius * self.scale.y * 2)
if w != self._image.width or h != self._image.height:
self._image = Surface(w, h)
self._debug_image = Surface(w, h)
if self.color is not None:
self._image.draw_poly(self.verts, (0, 0), fill=self.color, aa=True, blending=False)
self._debug_image.draw_poly(self.verts, (0, 0), Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
return Input.pt_in_poly(pt, self.true_verts())
[docs] def clone(self) -> Polygon:
"""Clones the Polygon"""
return Polygon(
verts=[v.clone() for v in self.verts],
color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None,
[docs]class Rectangle(Hitbox):
A Rectangular Hitbox component.
width: The width of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.
height: The height of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.
color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None.
tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "".
debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False.
trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False.
scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1).
on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
width: int | float = 0,
height: int | float = 0,
color: Color | None = None,
tag: str = "",
debug: bool = False,
trigger: bool = False,
scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
on_collide: Callable | None = None,
on_exit: Callable | None = None,
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False
if width < 0 or height < 0:
raise ValueError("Width and height cannot be negative")
self._width: int | float = width
self._height: int | float = height
self._verts: list[Vector] = []
def width(self) -> int | float:
"""The width of the Rectangle."""
return self._width
def width(self, value: int | float):
self._width = value
self.uptodate = False
def height(self) -> int | float:
"""The height of the Rectangle."""
return self._height
def height(self, value: int | float):
self._height = value
self.uptodate = False
def verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
"""The list of Rectangle vertices. (get-only)"""
return self._verts
def radius(self) -> float:
"""The radius of the Rectangle. (get-only)"""
verts = self.offset_verts()
max_dist = -Math.INF
for vert in verts:
dist = vert.dist_to(self.offset)
if dist > max_dist:
max_dist = dist
return round(max_dist, 10)
def top_left(self):
The top left corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
aabb = self.get_aabb()
return Vector(aabb[0].x, aabb[1].y)
def top_left(self, new: Vector):
self.top = new.y
self.left = new.x
def bottom_left(self):
The bottom left corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[0]
def bottom_left(self, new: Vector):
self.bottom = new.y
self.left = new.x
def top_right(self):
The top right corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[1]
def top_right(self, new: Vector):
self.top = new.y
self.right = new.x
def bottom_right(self):
The bottom right corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
aabb = self.get_aabb()
return Vector(aabb[1].x, aabb[0].y)
def bottom_right(self, new: Vector):
self.bottom = new.y
self.right = new.x
def top(self):
The y value of the top side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[1].y
def top(self, new: float):
self.gameobj.pos.y += new - self.get_aabb()[1].y
def left(self):
The x value of the left side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[0].x
def left(self, new: float):
self.gameobj.pos.x += new - self.get_aabb()[0].x
def bottom(self):
The y value of the bottom side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[0].y
def bottom(self, new: float):
self.gameobj.pos.y += new - self.get_aabb()[0].y
def right(self):
The x value of the right side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle.
Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset.
return self.get_aabb()[1].x
def right(self, new: float):
self.gameobj.pos.x += new - self.get_aabb()[1].x
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]:
verts = self.true_verts()
bottom, top, left, right = Math.INF, -Math.INF, Math.INF, -Math.INF
for vert in verts:
if vert.y > top:
top = vert.y
elif vert.y < bottom:
bottom = vert.y
if vert.x > right:
right = vert.x
elif vert.x < left:
left = vert.x
return Vector(left, bottom), Vector(right, top)
[docs] def offset_verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
"""The list of rectangle vertices offset by the Rectangles's offsets."""
return self._offset_verts
[docs] def true_verts(self) -> list[Vector]:
Returns a list of the Rectangle's vertices in world coordinates. Accounts for gameobject position and rotation.
return [v.rotate(self.gameobj.rotation) + self.gameobj.pos for v in self.offset_verts()]
[docs] def regen(self):
w = self.width / 2
h = self.height / 2
self._verts = [Vector(-w, -h), Vector(w, -h), Vector(w, h), Vector(-w, h)]
self._offset_verts = [(vert * self.scale).rotate(self.rot_offset) + self.offset for vert in self._verts]
[docs] def redraw(self):
w = round(self.width * self.scale.x)
h = round(self.height * self.scale.y)
if w != self._image.width or h != self._image.height:
self._image = Surface(w, h)
self._debug_image = Surface(w, h)
if self.color is not None:
self._debug_image.draw_rect((0, 0), (w, h), Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
return Input.pt_in_poly(pt, self.true_verts())
[docs] def clone(self) -> Rectangle:
return Rectangle(
color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None,
[docs]class Circle(Hitbox):
A Circular Hitbox component.
radius: The radius of the circle. Defaults to 0.
color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None.
tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "".
debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False.
trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False.
scale: The scale of the hitbox. Note that only the largest value will determine the scale. Defaults to (1, 1).
on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None.
offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
radius: int | float = 0,
color: Color | None = None,
tag: str = "",
debug: bool = False,
trigger: bool = False,
scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
on_collide: Callable | None = None,
on_exit: Callable | None = None,
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False,
if radius < 0:
raise ValueError("Radius cannot be negative")
self._radius = radius
def radius(self) -> int | float:
"""The radius of the circle."""
return self._radius
def radius(self, value: int | float):
self._radius = value
self.uptodate = False
def center(self) -> Vector:
"""The center of the circle. Equivalent to true_pos. Setting to this will change the Gameobject position."""
return self.true_pos()
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]:
offset = self.true_radius()
true_pos = self.true_pos()
return true_pos - offset, true_pos + offset
[docs] def true_radius(self) -> int | float:
"""Gets the true radius of the circle"""
return self.radius * self.scale.max()
[docs] def redraw(self):
int_r = round(self.radius * self.scale.max())
size = int_r * 2 + 1
if size != self._image.width:
self._image = Surface(size, size)
self._debug_image = Surface(size, size)
if self.color is not None:
self._image.draw_circle((0, 0), int_r, fill=self.color, aa=True, blending=False)
self._debug_image.draw_circle((0, 0), int_r, Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
r = self.true_radius()
return (pt - self.true_pos()).mag_sq <= r * r
[docs] def clone(self) -> Circle:
return Circle(
color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None,