Source code for rubato.structure.gameobject.physics.hitbox

"""Primitive shapes integrated into the physics engine."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable

from .. import Component
from .... import Vector, Color, Game, Draw, Math, Camera, Input, Surface

[docs]class Hitbox(Component): """ A hitbox superclass. Do not use this class to attach hitboxes to your game objects. Instead, use Polygon or Circle, which inherit Hitbox properties. Args: color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None. tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "". debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False. trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False. scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1). on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. on_enter: A function to call when the hitbox enters another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, color: Color | None = None, tag: str = "", debug: bool = False, trigger: bool = False, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), on_collide: Callable | None = None, on_enter: Callable | None = None, on_exit: Callable | None = None, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden) self.debug: bool = debug """Whether to draw a green outline around the hitbox or not.""" self.trigger: bool = trigger """Whether this hitbox is just a trigger or not.""" self.scale: Vector = Vector.create(scale) """The scale of the hitbox.""" self.on_collide: Callable = on_collide if on_collide else lambda manifold: None """The on_collide function to call when a collision happens with this hitbox.""" self.on_enter: Callable = on_enter if on_enter else lambda manifold: None """The on_enter function to call when collision begins with this hitbox.""" self.on_exit: Callable = on_exit if on_exit else lambda manifold: None """The on_exit function to call when a collision ends with this hitbox.""" self.singular: bool = False """Whether this hitbox is singular or not.""" self.tag: str = tag """The tag of the hitbox (can be used to identify hitboxes in collision callbacks)""" self.colliding: set[Hitbox] = set() """An unordered set of hitboxes that the Hitbox is currently colliding with.""" self.color: Color | None = color """The color of the hitbox.""" self._image: Surface = Surface() self._debug_image: Surface = Surface() self.uptodate: bool = False """Whether the hitbox image is up to date or not.""" self._old_rot_offset: float = self.rot_offset self._old_offset: Vector = self.offset.clone() self._old_scale: Vector = self.scale self._old_color: Color | None = self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None
[docs] def regen(self): """ Regenerates internal hitbox information. """ return
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Checks if a point is inside the Hitbox. Args: pt: The point to check, in game-world coordinates. Returns: Whether the point is inside the Hitbox. """ return False
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Regenerates the image of the hitbox. """ self._image.clear() self._debug_image.clear()
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]: """ Gets bottom left and top right corners of the axis-aligned bounding box of the hitbox in world coordinates. Returns: tuple[Vector, Vector]: The bottom left and top right right corners of the bounding box as Vectors as a tuple. (bottom left, top right) """ true_pos = self.true_pos() return true_pos, true_pos
[docs] def update(self): if self.scale != self._old_scale: self.uptodate = False if not self.uptodate or self.rot_offset != self._old_rot_offset or self.offset != self._old_offset: self.regen() self._old_rot_offset = self.rot_offset self._old_offset = self.offset.clone() if not self.uptodate or self.color != self._old_color: self.redraw() self._old_color = self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None if not self.uptodate: self.uptodate = True self._old_scale = self.scale
[docs] def draw(self, camera: Camera): if self.color: self._image.rotation = self.true_rotation() Draw.queue_surface(self._image, self.true_pos(), self.true_z(), camera) if self.debug or Game.debug: self._debug_image.rotation = self.true_rotation() Draw.queue_surface(self._debug_image, self.true_pos(), Math.INF, camera=camera)
[docs]class Polygon(Hitbox): """ A Polygonal Hitbox component. Danger: If creating vertices by hand, make sure you generate them in a CLOCKWISE direction. Otherwise, polygons may not behave or draw properly. We recommend using Vector.poly() to generate the vertex list for regular polygons. Warning: rubato does not currently support concave polygons. Creating concave polygons will result in undesired behavior. Args: verts: The vertices of the polygon. Defaults to []. color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None. tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "". debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False. trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False. scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1). on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, verts: list[Vector] | list[tuple[float, float]] = [], color: Color | None = None, tag: str = "", debug: bool = False, trigger: bool = False, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), on_collide: Callable | None = None, on_exit: Callable | None = None, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__( offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, debug=debug, trigger=trigger, scale=scale, on_collide=on_collide, on_exit=on_exit, color=color, tag=tag, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden, ) self._verts: list[Vector] = [Vector.create(v) for v in verts] self.regen() @property def verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """A list of the vertices in the Polygon.""" return self._verts @verts.setter def verts(self, new: list[Vector]): self._verts = new self.uptodate = False @property def radius(self) -> float: """The radius of the Polygon. (get-only)""" verts = self.offset_verts() max_dist = -Math.INF for vert in verts: dist = vert.dist_to(self.offset) if dist > max_dist: max_dist = dist return round(max_dist, 10)
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]: verts = self.true_verts() bottom, top, left, right = Math.INF, -Math.INF, Math.INF, -Math.INF for vert in verts: if vert.y > top: top = vert.y elif vert.y < bottom: bottom = vert.y if vert.x > right: right = vert.x elif vert.x < left: left = vert.x return Vector(left, bottom), Vector(right, top)
[docs] def offset_verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """The list of polygon vertices offset by the Polygon's offsets.""" return self._offset_verts
[docs] def true_verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """ Returns a list of the Polygon's vertices in world coordinates. Accounts for gameobject position and rotation. """ return [v.rotate(self.gameobj.rotation) + self.gameobj.pos for v in self.offset_verts()]
[docs] def regen(self): self._offset_verts = [(vert * self.scale).rotate(self.rot_offset) + self.offset for vert in self.verts]
[docs] def redraw(self): super().redraw() w = round(self.radius * self.scale.x * 2) h = round(self.radius * self.scale.y * 2) if w != self._image.width or h != self._image.height: self._image = Surface(w, h) self._debug_image = Surface(w, h) if self.color is not None: self._image.draw_poly(self.verts, (0, 0), fill=self.color, aa=True, blending=False) self._debug_image.draw_poly(self.verts, (0, 0), Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool: return Input.pt_in_poly(pt, self.true_verts())
[docs] def clone(self) -> Polygon: """Clones the Polygon""" return Polygon( verts=[v.clone() for v in self.verts], color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None, tag=self.tag, debug=self.debug, trigger=self.trigger, scale=self.scale, on_collide=self.on_collide, on_exit=self.on_exit, offset=self.offset.clone(), rot_offset=self.rot_offset, z_index=self.z_index, )
[docs]class Rectangle(Hitbox): """ A Rectangular Hitbox component. Args: width: The width of the rectangle. Defaults to 0. height: The height of the rectangle. Defaults to 0. color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None. tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "". debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False. trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False. scale: The scale of the hitbox. Defaults to (1, 1). on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, width: int | float = 0, height: int | float = 0, color: Color | None = None, tag: str = "", debug: bool = False, trigger: bool = False, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), on_collide: Callable | None = None, on_exit: Callable | None = None, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False ): super().__init__( offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, debug=debug, trigger=trigger, scale=scale, on_collide=on_collide, on_exit=on_exit, color=color, tag=tag, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden, ) if width < 0 or height < 0: raise ValueError("Width and height cannot be negative") self._width: int | float = width self._height: int | float = height self._verts: list[Vector] = [] self.regen() @property def width(self) -> int | float: """The width of the Rectangle.""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value: int | float): self._width = value self.uptodate = False @property def height(self) -> int | float: """The height of the Rectangle.""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value: int | float): self._height = value self.uptodate = False @property def verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """The list of Rectangle vertices. (get-only)""" return self._verts @property def radius(self) -> float: """The radius of the Rectangle. (get-only)""" verts = self.offset_verts() max_dist = -Math.INF for vert in verts: dist = vert.dist_to(self.offset) if dist > max_dist: max_dist = dist return round(max_dist, 10) @property def top_left(self): """ The top left corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ aabb = self.get_aabb() return Vector(aabb[0].x, aabb[1].y) @top_left.setter def top_left(self, new: Vector): = new.y self.left = new.x @property def bottom_left(self): """ The bottom left corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[0] @bottom_left.setter def bottom_left(self, new: Vector): self.bottom = new.y self.left = new.x @property def top_right(self): """ The top right corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[1] @top_right.setter def top_right(self, new: Vector): = new.y self.right = new.x @property def bottom_right(self): """ The bottom right corner of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ aabb = self.get_aabb() return Vector(aabb[1].x, aabb[0].y) @bottom_right.setter def bottom_right(self, new: Vector): self.bottom = new.y self.right = new.x @property def top(self): """ The y value of the top side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[1].y @top.setter def top(self, new: float): self.gameobj.pos.y += new - self.get_aabb()[1].y @property def left(self): """ The x value of the left side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[0].x @left.setter def left(self, new: float): self.gameobj.pos.x += new - self.get_aabb()[0].x @property def bottom(self): """ The y value of the bottom side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[0].y @bottom.setter def bottom(self, new: float): self.gameobj.pos.y += new - self.get_aabb()[0].y @property def right(self): """ The x value of the right side of the AABB surrounding the rectangle. Setting to this value changes the gameobject's position, not the hitbox offset. """ return self.get_aabb()[1].x @right.setter def right(self, new: float): self.gameobj.pos.x += new - self.get_aabb()[1].x
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]: verts = self.true_verts() bottom, top, left, right = Math.INF, -Math.INF, Math.INF, -Math.INF for vert in verts: if vert.y > top: top = vert.y elif vert.y < bottom: bottom = vert.y if vert.x > right: right = vert.x elif vert.x < left: left = vert.x return Vector(left, bottom), Vector(right, top)
[docs] def offset_verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """The list of rectangle vertices offset by the Rectangles's offsets.""" return self._offset_verts
[docs] def true_verts(self) -> list[Vector]: """ Returns a list of the Rectangle's vertices in world coordinates. Accounts for gameobject position and rotation. """ return [v.rotate(self.gameobj.rotation) + self.gameobj.pos for v in self.offset_verts()]
[docs] def regen(self): w = self.width / 2 h = self.height / 2 self._verts = [Vector(-w, -h), Vector(w, -h), Vector(w, h), Vector(-w, h)] self._offset_verts = [(vert * self.scale).rotate(self.rot_offset) + self.offset for vert in self._verts]
[docs] def redraw(self): self._debug_image.clear() w = round(self.width * self.scale.x) h = round(self.height * self.scale.y) if w != self._image.width or h != self._image.height: self._image = Surface(w, h) self._debug_image = Surface(w, h) if self.color is not None: self._image.fill(self.color) self._debug_image.draw_rect((0, 0), (w, h), Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool: return Input.pt_in_poly(pt, self.true_verts())
[docs] def clone(self) -> Rectangle: return Rectangle( offset=self.offset.clone(), rot_offset=self.rot_offset, debug=self.debug, trigger=self.trigger, scale=self.scale, on_collide=self.on_collide, on_exit=self.on_exit, color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None, tag=self.tag, width=self.width, height=self.height, z_index=self.z_index, )
[docs]class Circle(Hitbox): """ A Circular Hitbox component. Args: radius: The radius of the circle. Defaults to 0. color: The color of the hitbox. Set to None to not show the hitbox. Defaults to None. tag: A string to tag the hitbox. Defaults to "". debug: Whether to draw the hitbox. Defaults to False. trigger: Whether the hitbox is a trigger. Defaults to False. scale: The scale of the hitbox. Note that only the largest value will determine the scale. Defaults to (1, 1). on_collide: A function to call when the hitbox collides with another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. on_exit: A function to call when the hitbox exits another hitbox. Defaults to lambda manifold: None. offset: The offset of the hitbox from the gameobject. Defaults to (0, 0). rot_offset: The rotation offset of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z-index of the hitbox. Defaults to 0. hidden: Whether the hitbox is hidden. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, radius: int | float = 0, color: Color | None = None, tag: str = "", debug: bool = False, trigger: bool = False, scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1), on_collide: Callable | None = None, on_exit: Callable | None = None, offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rot_offset: float = 0, z_index: int = 0, hidden: bool = False, ): super().__init__( offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, debug=debug, trigger=trigger, scale=scale, on_collide=on_collide, on_exit=on_exit, color=color, tag=tag, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden, ) if radius < 0: raise ValueError("Radius cannot be negative") self._radius = radius @property def radius(self) -> int | float: """The radius of the circle.""" return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value: int | float): self._radius = value self.uptodate = False @property def center(self) -> Vector: """The center of the circle. Equivalent to true_pos. Setting to this will change the Gameobject position.""" return self.true_pos()
[docs] def get_aabb(self) -> tuple[Vector, Vector]: offset = self.true_radius() true_pos = self.true_pos() return true_pos - offset, true_pos + offset
[docs] def true_radius(self) -> int | float: """Gets the true radius of the circle""" return self.radius * self.scale.max()
[docs] def redraw(self): super().redraw() int_r = round(self.radius * self.scale.max()) size = int_r * 2 + 1 if size != self._image.width: self._image = Surface(size, size) self._debug_image = Surface(size, size) if self.color is not None: self._image.draw_circle((0, 0), int_r, fill=self.color, aa=True, blending=False) self._debug_image.draw_circle((0, 0), int_r, Color.debug, 2, blending=False)
[docs] def contains_pt(self, pt: Vector | tuple[float, float]) -> bool: r = self.true_radius() return (pt - self.true_pos()).mag_sq <= r * r
[docs] def clone(self) -> Circle: return Circle( offset=self.offset.clone(), rot_offset=self.rot_offset, debug=self.debug, trigger=self.trigger, scale=self.scale, on_collide=self.on_collide, on_exit=self.on_exit, color=self.color.clone() if self.color is not None else None, tag=self.tag, radius=self.radius, z_index=self.z_index, )