"""Utility methods for colliding hitbox components."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import math
from . import RigidBody, Circle, Polygon, Rectangle
from .... import Math, Vector, InitError
from . import Hitbox
class _Engine:
rubato's physics engine.
Handles overlap tests for Hitboxes and resolves Rigidbody collisions.
def __init__(self) -> None:
raise InitError(self)
def resolve(col: Manifold):
Resolve the collision between two rigidbodies.
col: The collision information.
rb_a: RigidBody | None = col.shape_a.gameobj.get(RigidBody) if (RigidBody in col.shape_a.gameobj) else None
rb_b: RigidBody | None = col.shape_b.gameobj.get(RigidBody) if (RigidBody in col.shape_b.gameobj) else None
if not rb_a and not rb_b:
# calculate restitution
e = max(rb_a.bounciness if rb_a else 0, rb_b.bounciness if rb_b else 0)
# calculate friction coefficient
if not rb_a:
rv = rb_b.velocity # type: ignore
mu = rb_b.friction * rb_b.friction # type: ignore
elif not rb_b:
rv = -rb_a.velocity
mu = rb_a.friction * rb_a.friction
rv = rb_b.velocity - rb_a.velocity
mu = (rb_a.friction * rb_a.friction + rb_b.friction * rb_b.friction) / 2
# find inverse masses
inv_mass_a: float = rb_a.inv_mass if rb_a else 0
inv_mass_b: float = rb_b.inv_mass if rb_b else 0
# handle infinite mass cases
if inv_mass_a == inv_mass_b == 0:
if not rb_a:
inv_mass_b = 1
elif not rb_b:
inv_mass_a = 1
inv_mass_a, inv_mass_b = 1, 1
col.normal *= -1
contact_vel = rv.dot(col.normal)
inv_inert = 1 / (inv_mass_a + inv_mass_b)
j = -(1 + e) * contact_vel * inv_inert
impulse = col.normal * j
t = rv - col.normal * rv.dot(col.normal)
jt = -rv.dot(t) * inv_inert
if abs(jt) < j * mu:
t_impulse = t * jt
t_impulse = -mu * t * j
correction = max(col.penetration - 0.01, 0) * col.normal
# Corrections
if rb_a and not rb_a.static:
rb_a.velocity -= impulse * inv_mass_a
rb_a.velocity -= t_impulse * inv_mass_a
col.shape_a.gameobj.pos -= correction * rb_a.pos_correction
if rb_b and not rb_b.static:
rb_b.velocity += impulse * inv_mass_b
rb_b.velocity += t_impulse * inv_mass_b
col.shape_b.gameobj.pos += correction * rb_b.pos_correction
def overlap(hitbox_a: Hitbox, hitbox_b: Hitbox) -> Optional[Manifold]:
Determines if there is overlap between two hitboxes.
Returns a Manifold manifold if a collision occurs but does not resolve.
Note that this is only implemented for native rubato hitbox types (Rectangle, Polygon, Circle).
hitbox_a: The first hitbox to collide with.
hitbox_b: The second hitbox to collide with.
Returns a collision info object if overlap is detected or None if no collision is detected.
if not isinstance(hitbox_a,
Rectangle | Polygon | Circle) or not isinstance(hitbox_b, Rectangle | Polygon | Circle):
raise TypeError("Engine.overlap() only supports Rectangle, Polygon, and Circle objects.")
if isinstance(hitbox_a, Circle):
if isinstance(hitbox_b, Circle):
return _Engine._circle_circle_test(hitbox_a, hitbox_b)
return _Engine._circle_polygon_test(hitbox_a, hitbox_b)
if isinstance(hitbox_b, Circle):
r = _Engine._circle_polygon_test(hitbox_b, hitbox_a)
return None if r is None else r._flip()
return _Engine._polygon_polygon_test(hitbox_a, hitbox_b)
def collide(hitbox_a: Hitbox, hitbox_b: Hitbox) -> Optional[Manifold]:
Collides two hitboxes (if they overlap), calling their callbacks if they exist.
Resolves the collision using Rigidbody impulse resolution if applicable.
Note that this is only implemented for native rubato hitbox types (Rectangle, Polygon, Circle).
hitbox_a: The first hitbox to collide with.
hitbox_b: The second hitbox to collide with.
Returns a collision info object if a collision is detected or None if no collision is detected.
col = _Engine.overlap(hitbox_a, hitbox_b)
if col is None:
if hitbox_b in hitbox_a.colliding:
mani = Manifold(hitbox_a, hitbox_b)
if hitbox_a in hitbox_b.colliding:
mani = Manifold(hitbox_b, hitbox_a)
loc = col._flip()
if hitbox_b not in hitbox_a.colliding:
if hitbox_a not in hitbox_b.colliding:
if not (hitbox_a.trigger or hitbox_b.trigger):
def _circle_circle_test(circle_a: Circle, circle_b: Circle) -> Optional[Manifold]:
"""Checks for overlap between two circles"""
a_rad = circle_a.true_radius()
b_rad = circle_b.true_radius()
a_pos = circle_a.true_pos()
b_pos = circle_b.true_pos()
t_rad = a_rad + b_rad
d_x, d_y = a_pos.x - b_pos.x, a_pos.y - b_pos.y
dist = d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y
if dist > t_rad * t_rad:
dist = math.sqrt(dist)
if dist == 0:
pen = a_rad
norm = Vector(1, 0)
pen = t_rad - dist
norm = Vector(d_x / dist, d_y / dist)
return Manifold(circle_a, circle_b, pen, norm)
def _circle_polygon_test(circle: Circle, polygon: Polygon | Rectangle) -> Optional[Manifold]:
"""Checks for overlap between a circle and a polygon"""
verts = polygon.offset_verts()
circle_rad = circle.true_radius()
circle_pos = circle.true_pos()
poly_pos = polygon.true_pos()
center = (circle_pos - poly_pos).rotate(-polygon.gameobj.rotation)
separation = -Math.INF
face_normal = 0
for i in range(len(verts)):
s = _Engine._get_normal(verts, i).dot(center - verts[i])
if s > circle_rad:
if s > separation:
separation = s
face_normal = i
if separation <= 0:
norm = _Engine._get_normal(verts, face_normal).rotate(polygon.gameobj.rotation)
return Manifold(circle, polygon, circle_rad, norm)
v1, v2 = verts[face_normal], verts[(face_normal + 1) % len(verts)]
dot_1 = (center - v1).dot(v2 - v1)
dot_2 = (center - v2).dot(v1 - v2)
pen = circle_rad - separation
if dot_1 <= 0:
offs = center - v1
if offs.mag_sq > circle_rad * circle_rad:
return Manifold(circle, polygon, pen, offs.rotate(polygon.gameobj.rotation).normalized())
elif dot_2 <= 0:
offs = center - v2
if offs.mag_sq > circle_rad * circle_rad:
return Manifold(circle, polygon, pen, offs.rotate(polygon.gameobj.rotation).normalized())
norm = _Engine._get_normal(verts, face_normal)
if norm.dot(center - v1) > circle_rad:
return Manifold(circle, polygon, pen, norm.rotate(polygon.gameobj.rotation))
def _polygon_polygon_test(shape_a: Polygon | Rectangle, shape_b: Polygon | Rectangle) -> Optional[Manifold]:
"""Checks for overlap between two polygons"""
a_verts = shape_a.offset_verts()
b_verts = shape_b.offset_verts()
pen_a, face_a = _Engine._axis_least_penetration(shape_a, shape_b, a_verts, b_verts)
if pen_a is None or face_a is None:
pen_b, face_b = _Engine._axis_least_penetration(shape_b, shape_a, b_verts, a_verts)
if pen_b is None or face_b is None:
if pen_b < pen_a:
man = Manifold(shape_a, shape_b, abs(pen_a))
v1 = a_verts[face_a].rotate(shape_a.gameobj.rotation) + shape_a.gameobj.pos
v2 = a_verts[(face_a + 1) % len(a_verts)].rotate(shape_a.gameobj.rotation) + shape_a.gameobj.pos
side_plane_normal = (v2 - v1).normalized()
man.normal = side_plane_normal.perpendicular() * Math.sign(pen_a)
man = Manifold(shape_a, shape_b, abs(pen_b))
v1 = b_verts[face_b].rotate(shape_b.gameobj.rotation) + shape_b.gameobj.pos
v2 = b_verts[(face_b + 1) % len(b_verts)].rotate(shape_b.gameobj.rotation) + shape_b.gameobj.pos
side_plane_normal = (v2 - v1).normalized()
man.normal = side_plane_normal.perpendicular() * -Math.sign(pen_b)
return man
def _axis_least_penetration(
a: Polygon | Rectangle, b: Polygon | Rectangle, a_verts: list[Vector], b_verts: list[Vector]
) -> tuple[float, int] | tuple[None, None]:
"""Finds the axis of least penetration between two possibly colliding polygons."""
best_dist = -Math.INF
best_ind = 0
for i in range(len(a_verts)):
n = _Engine._get_normal(a_verts, i).rotate(a.gameobj.rotation).rotate(-b.gameobj.rotation)
s = _Engine._get_support(b_verts, -n)
v = (a_verts[i].rotate(a.gameobj.rotation) + a.gameobj.pos - b.gameobj.pos).rotate(-b.gameobj.rotation)
d = n.dot(s - v)
if d > best_dist:
best_dist = d
best_ind = i
if d >= 0:
return None, None
return best_dist, best_ind
def _get_support(verts: list[Vector], direction: Vector) -> Vector | None:
"""Gets the furthest support vertex in a given direction."""
best_proj = -Math.INF
best_vert = None
for v in verts:
projection = v.dot(direction)
if projection > best_proj:
best_vert = v
best_proj = projection
return best_vert
def _get_normal(verts: list[Vector], index: int) -> Vector:
"""Finds a vector perpendicular to a side"""
face = (verts[(index + 1) % len(verts)] - verts[index]).perpendicular()
face.magnitude = 1
return face
[docs]class Manifold:
A class that represents information returned in collision callbacks.
shape_a: The first shape involved in the collision (the reference shape).
shape_b: The second shape involved in the collision (the incident shape).
penetration: The amount of penetration between the two shapes.
normal: The normal of the collision.
def __init__(
shape_a: Hitbox,
shape_b: Hitbox,
penetration: float = 0,
normal: Vector = Vector(),
self.shape_a: Hitbox = shape_a
"""The reference shape."""
self.shape_b: Hitbox = shape_b
"""The incident (colliding) shape."""
self.penetration: float = penetration
"""The amount by which the colliders are intersecting."""
self.normal: Vector = normal
"""The direction that would most quickly separate the two colliders."""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"Manifold(shape_a={self.shape_a}, shape_b={self.shape_b}, penetration={self.penetration}, "
def _flip(self) -> Manifold:
Flips the reference shape in a collision manifold and inverts the normal vector.
The new manifold
return Manifold(self.shape_b, self.shape_a, self.penetration, -self.normal)