Source code for rubato.misc

Miscellaneous helper functions for rubato developers.
from typing import Sequence
from . import Vector, GameObject, Component, Game, Input

[docs]def world_mouse() -> Vector: """ Returns the mouse position in world-coordinates. Returns: Vector: The mouse position in world coordinates. """ if Game._current != "": return Game.current().camera.i_transform(Input.get_mouse_pos()) return Input.get_mouse_pos()
[docs]def wrap( comp: Component | Sequence[Component], name: str = "", pos: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), rotation: float = 0, # test: skip z_index: int = 0, debug: bool = False, active: bool = True, hidden: bool = False, ): """ Wraps a component or list of components in a GameObject. Args: comp: The component or list of components to wrap. name: The name of the GameObject. Defaults to "". pos: The position of the GameObject. Defaults to (0, 0). rotation: The rotation of the GameObject. Defaults to 0. z_index: The z_index of the GameObject. Defaults to 0. debug: Whether the GameObject is in debug mode. Defaults to False. active: Whether the GameObject is active. Defaults to True. hidden: Whether the GameObject is hidden. Defaults to False. Raises: TypeError: If comp is not a Component or a list of Components. Returns: The wrapped GameObject. """ go = GameObject( name=name, pos=Vector.create(pos), rotation=rotation, z_index=z_index, debug=debug, active=active, hidden=hidden ) if isinstance(comp, Component): go.add(comp) elif isinstance(comp, list): go.add(*comp) else: raise TypeError("comp must be a Component or a list of Components.") return go