Source code for

An abstraction surrounding the main game loop in rubato.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import sdl2, sdl2.sdlttf
import sys

from . import Time, Display, Radio, Events, Font, PrintError, IdError, Draw, InitError

    from . import Scene

[docs]class Game: """ A static class controlling rubato game flow. """ RUNNING = 1 STOPPED = 2 PAUSED = 3 debug: bool = False """Whether to use debug-mode.""" show_fps: bool = False """Whether to show fps.""" debug_font: Font """What font to draw debug text in.""" state: int = STOPPED """ The state of the game. The game states are:: Game.RUNNING Game.STOPPED Game.PAUSED """ _initialized = False _scenes: dict[str, Scene] = {} _scene_id: int = 0 _current: str = "" def __init__(self) -> None: raise InitError(self)
[docs] @classmethod def current(cls) -> Scene: """ The current scene of the game. Returns: The current Scene. """ scene = cls._scenes.get(cls._current) if scene: return scene raise ValueError("The current scene is invalid or not set. Make sure to create a scene or switch to it.")
[docs] @classmethod def set_scene(cls, scene_id: str): """ Changes the current scene. Takes effect on the next frame. Args: scene_id: The id of the new scene. """ cls._current = scene_id cls.current().on_switch()
@classmethod def _add(cls, scene: Scene, name: str | None) -> str: # test: skip """ Add a scene to the game. Also set the current scene if this is the first added scene. Args: scene: The scene to add. name: The name of the scene. If None, a unique name is generated. Raises: IdError: The given scene id is already used. """ if name is None: name = "scene" + str(cls._scene_id) if name in cls._scenes: raise IdError(f"A scene with name '{name}' has already been added.") cls._scenes[name] = scene if len(cls._scenes) == 1: cls.set_scene(name) cls._scene_id += 1 return name
[docs] @classmethod def quit(cls): """Quit the game and close the python process.""" Radio.broadcast(Events.EXIT) cls.state = cls.STOPPED sys.stdout.flush() sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_Quit() sdl2.SDL_Quit() sys.exit(0)
@classmethod def _start(cls) -> None: """ Starts the main game loop. Called automatically by :meth:`rubato.begin`. """ cls.state = cls.RUNNING try: while True: cls._tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: cls.quit() except PrintError as e: sys.stdout.flush() raise e except (Exception,) as e: sys.stdout.flush() raise type(e)( str(e) + "\nRubato Error-ed. Was it our fault? Issue tracker: " "" ).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) finally: sys.stdout.flush() @classmethod def _tick(cls): # start a new frame Time._start_frame() if cls.state == cls.STOPPED: sdl2.SDL_PushEvent(sdl2.SDL_Event(sdl2.SDL_QUIT)) # Pump SDL events sdl2.SDL_PumpEvents() # Event handling if Radio._handle(): cls.quit() # process delayed calls Time._process_calls() cls.update() curr = cls._scenes.get(cls._current) if curr: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test if cls.state == Game.PAUSED: # process user set pause update curr._paused_update() else: # normal update curr._update() # fixed update Time._physics_counter += Time.delta_time while Time._physics_counter >= Time.fixed_delta: curr._fixed_update() Time._physics_counter -= Time.fixed_delta curr._draw() curr._dump() else: Draw.clear() cls.draw() Draw._dump() if cls.show_fps: Draw._draw_fps(cls.debug_font) # update renderers Display.renderer.present() # end frame Time._end_frame()
[docs] @staticmethod def update(): # test: skip """An overrideable method for updating the game. Called once per frame, before the current scene updates.""" pass
[docs] @staticmethod def draw(): # test: skip """An overrideable method for drawing the game. Called once per frame, before the draw queue is dumped.""" pass