Source code for rubato

rubato is a modern 2D game engine for python. Accurate fixed-step physics
simulations, robust scene and game object management, event listener system and more
all come prepackaged.

Fundamentally, rubato is built developer-focused. From intricate rigidbody
simulations to 2D games, rubato streamlines development for beginners and the
poweruser. And all that finally with some legible documentation.

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from warnings import simplefilter
from importlib.resources import files
import cython, sys

if not cython.compiled and "sphinx" not in sys.modules:
    raise Exception("rubato must be compiled with Cython")

simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)

import sdl2, sdl2.sdlttf, sdl2.ext

simplefilter("default", UserWarning)
simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning)

from .utils import *
from .game import Game
from .structure import *
from .misc import world_mouse, wrap

[docs]def init( name: str = "Untitled Rubato App", res: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1080, 1080), window_size: Vector | tuple[float, float] | None = None, window_pos: Vector | tuple[float, float] | None = None, icon: str = "", fullscreen: bool = False, maximize: bool = False, target_fps: int = 0, physics_fps: int = 50, hidden: bool = False # test: skip ): """ Initializes rubato. Args: name: The title that appears at the top of the window. Defaults to "Untitled Rubato App". res: The pixel resolution of the game, cast to int Vector. Defaults to (1080, 1080). window_size: The size of the window, cast to int Vector. When not set, defaults to half the resolution. This is usually the sweet spot between performance and image quality. window_pos: The position of the window, cast to int Vector. Set to None to let the computer decide. Defaults to None. icon: The path to the icon that will appear in the window. Defaults to "" (the rubato logo). fullscreen: Whether the game should be fullscreen. Defaults to False. maximize: Whether the game should be maximized. If fullscreen is set to True, that will take priority. Defaults to False. target_fps: The target frames per second. If set to 0, the target fps will be uncapped. Defaults to 0. physics_fps: The physics simulation's frames per second. Defaults to 50. hidden: Whether the window should be hidden. Defaults to False. """ sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) Game._initialized = True Time.target_fps = target_fps if Time.target_fps != 0: Time._normal_delta = int(1000 / target_fps) Time._physics_fps = physics_fps Time.fixed_delta = 1 / physics_fps flags = ( sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE | sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI | sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS | sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS | sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN ) window_pos, change_pos = ((int(window_pos[0]), int(window_pos[1])), True) if window_pos else (None, False) size = res if not window_size else window_size Display.window = sdl2.ext.Window(name, (int(size[0]), int(size[1])), window_pos, flags) Display.renderer = sdl2.ext.Renderer( Display.window, flags=(sdl2.SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | sdl2.SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE), logical_size=(int(res[0]), int(res[1])) ) Display._half_res = (res[0] / 2, res[1] / 2) if change_pos: Display.window_pos += Vector(0, Display.get_window_border_size()[0]) if icon: Display.set_window_icon(icon) else: Display.set_window_icon(str(files("rubato.static.png").joinpath("logo_filled.png"))) Display.set_fullscreen(fullscreen) if maximize and not fullscreen: Display.maximize_window() Display.hidden = hidden Game.debug_font = Font(size=22, font="Mozart", color=Color.debug) sdl2.SDL_JoystickEventState(sdl2.SDL_ENABLE)
[docs]def begin(): """ Starts the main game loop. Raises: RuntimeError: rubato has not been initialized before calling. """ if Game._initialized: if not Display.hidden: Display.show_window() Game._start() else: raise RuntimeError( "You have not initialized rubato. Make sure to run rubato.init() right after importing the library" )
def end(): """ Quit the game and close the python process. You can also do this by setting ``Game.state`` to ``Game.STOPPED``. """ Game.state = Game.STOPPED def pause(): """ Pause the game. You can also do this by setting ``Game.state`` to ``Game.PAUSED``. """ Game.state = Game.PAUSED def resume(): """ Resumes the game. You can also do this by setting ``Game.state`` to ``Game.RUNNING``. """ Game.state = Game.RUNNING